

By ldemers
  • 1167

    Gavilar's Death

    Gavilar's Death
    At a feast to celebrate the treaty with the Parshendi, the Assassin in White kills King Gavilar. Dalinar was drunk at the time and feels immense guilt that he was not coherent enough to notice and fight for his brother's life.
  • 1168

    The War Against the Parshendi

  • 1170

    The Way of Kings

    Dalinar begins reading the Way of Kings
  • 1173


  • 1173

    The Assassin in White

  • 1173

    Hoping for Peace

  • 1173

    Sadeas Betrayal & Parshendi Shardbearer

  • 1173

    Winning over the Highprinces

  • 1173

    The Battle of Narak

  • 1173

    The Stormfather