D-Day Timeline

  • Allied troops leave for Normandy,France

    Allied troops leave for Normandy,France
    The first group of allied troops begin to leave from England, and will land in Normandy, France by morning.
  • The Arrival

    The Arrival
    Allied troops arrive on the beaches in Normandy, France. The beaches were Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold, and Sword beach.
  • Utah Beach

    Utah Beach
    82nd and 101st airborne divisions were dropped air-dropped inland on Utah Beach in the early dawn of D-Day and succeed in isolating the seaborne invasion force from defending German Units. The Allied forces would win the Battle Of Utah Beach with very few casualties.
  • Omaha Beach

    Omaha Beach
    Omaha Beach was one of the most protected beaches of the five with mines, obstacles, heavy defended assault areas, and many other protections. This caused the allies mostly American forces to have heavy casualties from the defending Germans, but were able to prevail and win the Battle of Omaha Beach.
  • Juno Beach

    Juno Beach
    The Canadian forces led the allies in this battle, even though suffering heavy casualties in the first wave. They were able to break through the shore defenses and progressive more inland as they won the Battle of Juno Beach.
  • Gold Beach

    Gold Beach
    Gold Beach was the center beach of the five landing areas in Normandy. It was assaulted and taken from defending German troops by the British 50th Infantry Division.
  • Sword Beach

    Sword Beach
    Units of the British 3rd Division with French and British commandos attacked the German Defended Sword Beach. The allied forces also sent Airborne assaults that was able to stop artillery pieces that threaten the seaborne landing forces. Allies would win this battle.
  • Battle of Normandy Begins

    Battle of Normandy Begins
    Allies continue to advance after D-Day with German reinforcements arriving in Normandy.