D A N C E H I S T O R Y :))))

  • 1653

    le Ballet De La Nuit, Ballet of the night was a performance that went on for 13 hours and a fourteen year old Louis XIV as Apollo, the Sun King (Le Roi Soleii).
  • 1900

    Isadora Duncan
    Angela Isadora Duncan was a famous dancer, she caused conserversity for some things she did like showing her ankles in a performance. She was known as the mother of dance.
  • 1906

    Tamara Geva,Geva was born with the surname Zheverzheieva, sometimes spelled Gevergeyeva (Russian: Тамара Жевержеева), the daughter of Tamara Urtahl (who was Swedish) and Levko Zheverzheiev (or Gevergeyev)
  • 1909

    Matisse Dance, In March 1909, Matisse painted a preliminary version of this work, known as Dance. It was a compositional study and uses paler colors and less detail.
  • 1913

    The Rite of Spring
  • 1925

  • 1927

  • 1942

  • 1953