Czechoslovakia Revolution

  • Alexander Dubček First Secretary of the Communist Party.

    Alexander Dubček First Secretary of the Communist Party.
    1968 Stalinist party chief Antonin Novotny voted out of the communist party's central committee, and Alexander Dubček, a slovak with a liberal reputation, replaced him as First Secretary of the communist party.
  • New President

    New President
    Novotny removed as president, and General Jan Svoboda installed.
  • Socialism with a Human Face

    Socialism with a Human Face
    Dubcek ended censorship and instituted liberal economic reforms. Dubchek continued to proclaim loyalty to Moscow to avert a replay of 1956 in Hungary, but increasingly Soviet leaders became suspicious.
  • Warsaw pact maneuvers

    Warsaw pact maneuvers
    The Warsaw troops did maneuvers in Czechoslovakia.
  • Czech and Soviet Discussion

    Czech and Soviet Discussion
    Czech and Soviet leaders met at Cierna near the border to "discuss" the situation.
  • Warsaw Pact Invasion

    Warsaw Pact Invasion
    The Czech army did not resist; although there were a few isolated outbreaks of fighting.
  • Brezhnev Doctrine

    Brezhnev Doctrine
    Justified the intervention.
  • Protests in Prague

    Protests in Prague
    large protests occurred in Prague against the Soviet occupation.
  • Gustav Husak

    Gustav Husak
    Gustav Husak replaced Dubchek as first secretary of the communist party.