Cyber Security

  • Update

    Today we will be looking into Cisco Chapter 1, last week I already attempted the quiz for chapter 1 and got 100%.
  • Today

    Today I did research into cyber chapter 1 and created a powerpoint on all of the points.
  • Today

    In todays lesson I created a Word document on AAA (authentication, authorisation and accounting), MD5 and SHA1 pros and cons and sneaker net, wired networks and wireless networks pros and cons. I also had the time to complete the chapter 2 quiz on Cisco NetAcad.
  • Last Lesson

    In the previous lesson we completed Cisco chapter 1 on the growth of domains, different types of hackers, criminal motives and cyber security specialists. The quiz was completed and the rest of the exercises.
  • Today

    Today I worked through 5 activities all relating to security threats, such as viruses and trojan horses. I also added to my packet tracer network.
  • Threats

    In todays lesson I created a Word document on AAA (authentication, authorisation and accounting), MD5 and SHA1 pros and cons and sneaker net, wired networks and wireless networks pros and cons. I also had the time to complete the chapter 2 quiz on Cisco NetAcad.
  • Last Lesson

    In the previous lesson I created a packet tracer SSH and completed chapter 3 of the Cisco NetAcad course.
  • Authentication

    In todays session I worked through chapter 4 of the Cisco NetAcad chapter 4 course on Factor Authentication. I completed the quiz and a power point with 6 exercises.
  • Last Lesson

    In the previous session I worked through chapter 4 of the Cisco NetAcad chapter 4 course on Factor Authentication. I completed the quiz and a power point with 6 exercises.
  • Today

    In todays lesson i went through chapter 6 of the cicso netacad course and completed the powerpoint activities as well. I leant about SPOF, five9, Radia Perlman, RAID and the castle structure.
  • Today

    Today i completed Lab 1 and 2 from the cisco course on FTP, SSH and Telnet and also completed the chapter 7 quiz .
  • Last Lesson

    In the last lesson I went through chapter 7 of the Cisco NetAcad course and completed the PowerPoint activities as well. I leant about SPOF, five9, Radia Perlman, RAID and the castle structure.
  • Today

    This lesson I completed lab 3 of the cisco packet tracer. Then I worked through the introduction and topic 1 of the cyber security workbook.
  • Last Lesson

    Last Lesson
    Last lesson completed Lab 1 and 2 from the cisco course on FTP, SSH and Telnet and also completed the chapter 7 quiz.
  • Last Lesson

    Last Lesson
    Last lesson I completed lab 3 of the cisco packet tracer. Then I worked through the introduction and topic 1 of the cyber security workbook.
  • 10 thoughts on the assignment

    10 thoughts on the assignment
    1. I am looking forward to experiencing the exam
    2. The questions seem to be in a challenging but fairly structured
    3. The time scale seems to be quite long
    4. I am unsure how I will feel during the exam
    5. Risk assessments are easy enough to get done
    6. Creating the security plan could be tedious but do-able
    7. Due to the amount of practice time, I feel I will fair well
    8. I am interested in how the exam links with the graphics exam
    9. Some extra revision will be done
    10. Aiming for distinction
  • Last Lesson

    Last Lesson
    In the previous lesson I looked through part a of the assignment brief and listed my 10 thoughts on it. I then proceeded to complete part of the risk assessment.
  • Today

    In todays lesson I continued with the risk assessment, assessing the risks of the proposed network in the assignment brief. I then proceeded to read through part b of the brief to better understand the second half of the assignment.
  • Last Lesson

    Last Lesson
    In the previous lesson I continued with the risk assessment, assessing the risks of the proposed network in the assignment brief. I then proceeded to read through part b of the brief to better understand the second half of the assignment.
  • Last Lesson

    Last Lesson
    Fact: I looked through the cyber exam and made notes that would benefit me.
    Emotion: I felt fulfilled because of my research.
    Benefit: I have a further understanding of the exam.
    Ideas: How to answer the questions fully to gain full marks.
    Plan: To get the highest marks possible for me.
    Judgement: The research became tiresome after a while.
  • Today

    Fact: I read through the exemplar work sheet.
    Emotion: I feel more confident about the exam.
    Benefit: I feel like I know how to answer questions correctly.
    Idea: I will take the time to examine each answer.
    Plan: My plan is to answer all questions effectively.
    Judgment: I don't know how to write an answer yet.
  • Today

    In todays lesson I looked through a cisco chapter on Cyber security.
  • Last Lesson

    Fact: I read through the exemplar work sheet.
    Emotion: I feel more confident about the exam.
    Benefit: I feel like I know how to answer questions correctly.
    Idea: I will take the time to examine each answer.
    Plan: My plan is to answer all questions effectively.
    Judgment: I don't know how to write an answer yet.