Custome Timeline By Pamela Orozco

  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Period: to

    Death of Hugo Chavez

  • Massacre of Munich

  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

  • Period: to

    Presidency of Cesar Gaviria

  • Attack of Twin Towers in NY

  • Period: to

    Presidency of Alvaro Uribe Velez

  • Hurricane Katrina Devastates Gulf Coast

  • Barack Obama President of United States

  • Osama Bin Laden Killed by US Forces

  • Death of Paul Walker

  • Visit of Papa Francisco for First Time to United States

  • Presidency of Donald Trump

  • Death of Stephen Hawking