
Curtis Odyssey

By Tyanna
  • Nov 7, 1200

    The Trojan war

    The Trojan war
    Odysseus was on the greek side during the fight of the trojan war. Many saw him as a master strategist. Odysseus came up with a plan to trick the Trojans. He ordered a wooden horse to be built and left in front of the trojan door, they thought it was a gift that the Greeks left but they were wrong. When the trojans realized what was happening it was too late and they lost the war.
  • Nov 7, 1200

    The Trojan war analysis

    The Trojan war analysis
    The trojan war is a significant place for Odysseus because it's an event that pulled him away from his home in the first place. This ten-year fight kept Odyssey away from his wife, Penelope. After this ten-year fight, it created many more adventures for Odysseus and his crew to get back to Ithaka.
  • Nov 10, 1200


    Odysseus and his crew came around Malea and the current took them out to sea, where they drifted for nine days. On the tenth day, they came across the lotus-eaters. They stopped on their land to refuel for food and water but Odyssey was curious. He sent two of his men and a runner to figure out the land and the Lotus-Eaters offered them some lotus and once they ate it they didn't want to return and longed to stay on the Island. Odyssey forced them back on the boat and left.
  • Nov 10, 1200

    Lotus-Eaters analysis

    Lotus-Eaters analysis
    Odysseus and his crew learn that they cannot trust everyone even if they are nice. He now knows that if he ever goes back, never to eat the lotus plant, or he'll never go back home. In this location, we also learn that Odysseus' crew doesn't always have their guard up and that they trust others too early.
  • Nov 11, 1200


    Odysseus and his crew landed on the land of the cyclops. They wanted to know if he was a friend or a foe. When Odysseus found the Cyclops cave he made himself at home but Polyphemus didn't like this. Polyphemus asked them who they were and Odysseus told him about everything including God's. Cyclops didn't care and called him a fool and went on to eat his men but they couldn't leave because of the huge cave door. Odysseus thought of a way to leave by getting him drunk and then making him blind.
  • Nov 11, 1200

    Cyclops analysis

    Cyclops analysis
    In this part of the adventure, we continue to learn how Odysseus is very clever and can get his way out of any danger. His crew just does what they are told and will stick behind him even if they know they are walking straight into death. We also learn that Odysseus is never scared to walk into danger because he's just too much of a curious person.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Aelous-Bag of wind analysis

    Aelous-Bag of wind analysis
    In this part of the story, Odysseus learns that his crew doesn't trust him. When they opened the bag they lost an advantage for their trip that they couldn't get back. Odysseus was probably disappointed in them because they opened the bag because they have no trust in their captain. The crew continues to push them back and they have to stay away from their families longer and longer.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind
    Odysseus and his crew landed on the Island of Aelous (the wind king), where they stayed for a month. When Odysseus was leaving Aelous gave him two bags of wind. One bag of wind was a fair wind that would blow him in the path of his home. The other bag had all bad stormy winds. When Odysseus was sleeping his crew opened the bag because they thought it contained silver and gold. The bad wind blew them back to Aelous and he refused to give them more.
  • Nov 17, 1200


    Odysseus and his crew land on Aeaea (Circe's home). He split his crew into two groups to go to her home. Polites led the crew into danger and Circe turned them into pigs. Odysseus had to save them and to do this he had to have sex with Circe. After she offered him dinner but he couldn't eat until his men weren't pigs, so Circe turned them back. They wanted to leave but Circe made them stay with her for a year. Once that year was up the only way they could get home was through the underworld.
  • Nov 17, 1200

    Circe analysis

    Circe analysis
    Circe's place continues to keep Odysseus away from his home Ithaca. Odysseus does develop more strength and leadership because he had sex with Circe even though he didn't want to. We continue to learn that he is a good leader even though he keeps stopping their process of getting home. The crew shows that they don't really think. I think they need to learn when to put their guard up because they know they keep traveling to all these places.
  • Nov 20, 1200


    Circe gave Odysseus advice to pass the Sirens. When they got to sea Odysseus followed that advice. He put beeswax into all of his mens' ears. His crew tied him to a pole in the middle of the ship. When they were in the range of the Sirens, Odysseus begged to be untied because their song was luring him but the crew kept rowing. They were all able to get away and continued on the adventure home.
  • Nov 20, 1200

    Siren Analysis

    Siren Analysis
    In this location, we learn that Odysseus is stronger than he seems. He resisted the sirens with the help of this team. Even though sometimes the crew doesn't trust Odysseus they always have each other backs. That is a good thing because they continue to face all these obstacles.
  • Nov 20, 1200

    Scylla & Charybdis

    Scylla & Charybdis
    Scylla is a six-headed sea monster and Charybdis is a dangerous whirlpool. Odysseus told them to keep rowing and they rowed straight into Scylla and Charybdis. Charybdis "swallowed the seawater down" and that's when Scylla attacked. She took six of Odysseus' men and ate them. It was the worst thing he ever saw but they had to keep going so the rest could make it out alive.
  • Nov 20, 1200

    Scylla & Charybdis analysis

    Scylla & Charybdis analysis
    As we already know Odysseus looks out for his team even though he continues to put them in danger. We continue to learn that his crew is starting to trust him more and more like when he told them to keep rowing they never stopped. The whole crew did lose six crew members in the most dreadful way. This location was one of the scariest for Odysseus and his crew but they still continued to push because it was no point in all of them dying.
  • Nov 21, 1200

    Helios' Cattle analysis

    Helios' Cattle analysis
    At Thrinacia, Odysseus lost everything. Zeus killed all of his team and he was left on his own. If the crew could've just waited and not feasted on Helios' cattle they would've been good. This goes to show that they continue not to listen. It caused them and now they won't ever make it back home but Odysseus will because he knows when to do and not to do things.
  • Nov 21, 1200

    Helios' Cattle

    Helios' Cattle
    Odysseus was trying to pass Thrinacia, the Island of Helios, the sun god. His men were too hungry so they feasted on Helios' cattle when they weren't supposed to. This angered the sun god and he said he wouldn't shine until he got his payback. Zeus sunk Odysseus' ship and no one survived but him, he drifted to Ogygia where he was kept for seven years.
  • Nov 22, 1200

    Suitors/Home analysis

    Suitors/Home analysis
    Odysseus has finally made it to his destination, home. In this location, Odysseus doesn't have a lot of patience because they were disrespecting him. We finally saw all the power he held with his bow. He had got back with his family after several years so he was happy but there was no way for them to get back all the time lost.
  • Nov 22, 1200


    Odysseus finally makes it back to Ithaca. He finds suitors in his home trying to get his wife and his fortune. Odysseus disguises himself as a beggar. Penelope says whoever can string the bow and shoot through twelve axes will become her husband. Odysseus comes up with a plan to kill all the suitors. The swineherd locks the doors Odysseus strings the bow and shoots Antinous in the throat. They all died. Penelope was finally back with him but at first, she was skeptical.