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Curriculum Trends in U.S. Education

  • Harvard College Established

    Harvard College Established
    Admission Standards for UniversitiesSince Harvard College was established, meeting admission requirements has been a goal for secondary schools. Once the requirements standardized, secondary school mandated curriculum requirements for graduating students. Schools finally had a uniform standard to place on students, a common goal regardless of a student's hometown.
    Beale, A.V. (2012). The evolution of college admission requirements. Joournal of College Admision, (214), 20-22).
    Logo. Retrieved from:
  • Horace Mann Becomes Secretary of the Newly Formed Massachusetts State Board of Education

    Horace Mann Becomes Secretary of the Newly Formed Massachusetts State Board of Education
    Mann's Contributions to the U.S. Educational SystemHorace Mann was the first to assess educational practices. After visiting European schools, he aimed to standardize methods of education in America. He also believed that free public education helped the uneducated become part of the American society. This movement allowed all children to attend school.
    Brickman, W. W. (2010). Comparative educaiton in the nineteenth century. European Education, 42(2), 46-56.
    Horace Mann. Retrieved from
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    The Department of Education was established to institute more effective school systems. By gathering infomation on schools and teachings, the State Departments of Education could share successful strategies used in education to each teacher and school. This practice still continues today.
    Federal role in education. (2012, February 13). Retrieved August 29, 2015.
    Logo. Retrieved from
  • National Education Association Established

    National Education Association Established
    A social movement to improve education led to the National Education Association creating the Committee of Ten to standardize secondary school curriculum in each of the major instructional specialties. Students would now attend twelve years of education. Teachers also gained new specialized training at a lower cost.
    Mackenzie, J. (1894). The report of the committee of ten. The School Review, 2(3), 146-155.
    Nea. Retrieved from
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The Right to VoteWomen have more to offer society than bearing children. They can be full citizens in politics. The 19th Amendment was a political gain that allowed women to elect progressive policymakers and better their lives. Today, women make a difference at the ballot box safeguarding healthier families and education.
    Williamson, H. (2013). Women's equality day: Celebrating the 19th Amendment's impact on reproductive health and rights. Retrieved August 29, 2015.
    Vote. Retrieved from
  • The Soviet Union Launches Sputnik

    The Soviet Union Launches Sputnik
    America's Reation to SputnikAfter Sputnik launched, a disrespect of U.S. schools resulted from the realization that Russia had better schools. They were more serious about education. Politically, the U.S. had to keep up with Russia and their space program. Science curriculum becomes more important.
    Bracey, G. (2007, October 2). The Sputnik effect. Retrieved August 29, 2015.
    Sputnik. Retrieved from
  • Title IX Becomes Law

    Title IX Becomes Law
    Know Your Title IXTitle IX becomes law prohibiting discrimination based on sex in all aspects of education. Today, more women are enrolled in college than men and have choices and protection. This movement has raised women's self-confidence.
    Chadband, E. (2012). Nine ways Title IX has helped girls and women in education-NEA today. Retrieved August 29, 2015.
    Bohensky, A. (Photographer). (2015, May). Analyn at state track meet. [photograph]. Austin, Texas.
  • Edwards v. Aguillard

    Edwards v. Aguillard
    God vs. ScienceThe political stance to keep church and state separate wins again as the U.S. Supreme Court names Louisiana's Creationism Act unconstitutional under the First Amendment. Evolution-Science could be taught without countering with Creation-Science.
    First amendment schools: The five freedoms-court case. (2006). Retrieved August 29, 2015.
    Creation-science. Retrieved from
  • Tim Berners-Lee Invents Internet

    Tim Berners-Lee Invents Internet
    Ted TalkTim Berners-Lee created protocol that allowed two computers to communicate. Today, the web aides educational classrooms in locating information, data integration, and collaborating with others. Teachers can now focus on teaching. The goal of this movement is to utilize time and bring more resources to students.
    Maddux, C.D,. & Johnson, D.L. (2012, January). The semantic web-Its role as an aid to data integration. Computers in teh Schools. pp. 1-5.
    Sir Tim. Retrieved from:
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Waiting for SupermanBecause education in America was no longer internationally competitive, the government enacted legislation to hold schools accountable for the progress of all student subgroups such as special education, English-language learners, and minorities. All students must perform proficiently and teachers must be highly qualified.
    Klein, A. (2015, April 10). No child left behind overview: Definitions, requirements, criticisms, and more. Retrieved August 29, 2015.
    NCLB. Retrieved from