Curriculum- Then and NOW

  • Aug 1, 1524

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a rebel in his time and distributed literature that made him instrumental in the foundation of education and curriculum.
  • Enlightenment

    This was a shifting in the thinking...a more progressive time, less reliance on only churches, but more of a move for social reform.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    John Dewey shifted to a founder of functional psychology.
  • Progressive

  • Bloom

    The developer of levels of thinking that pushed curriculum into a new dimension.
  • A nation at Risk

    A nation at Risk
    A book that really exposed the state of the education system.
  • Bill Clintons Education Initiative- Goals 2000

    Bill Clintons Education Initiative- Goals 2000
    Started in 1994 as a way to reform education.
  • NO Child Left Behind

    NO Child Left Behind
    Federal regulation and increased teacher accountability in education.
  • Common Core State Stancards

    Common Core State Stancards
    The creation and unveiling of state standards that are common throughout all states.