Curriculum Ideologies Timeline

  • Pre-K (4)

    Started Pre-K (4) at a private, Christian school. My first formal school experience.
  • Graduated Kindergarten

    My first school event where I distinctly remember being proud.
  • Started 1st Grade

    Started at the public school. I remember being scared on the first day.
  • Began Gifted Program

    Tested into the gifted program. Opened up so many opportunities for me.
  • Started Middle School

    A whole new school experience began.
  • Algebra!

    The first class that truly challenged me.
  • 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony many awards.
  • Began High School

    A whole new schooling experience...
  • High School Graduation

    Four great years - academics, friends, majorette, tennis, graduation...
  • Began college at Georgia Tech

    Attended college at GaTech. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
  • College Graduation!

    Got the what?
  • MPA at Georgia State

    Wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I got an MPA.
  • Atlanta PLUS Program

    (Preparing Leaders for Urban Schools) Interviewed and participated in intensive summer prep to become a teacher in APS.
  • Began Teaching

    Began first teaching assignment at Turner Middle School.
  • TEEMS at Georgia State

    Middle Grades Math/Science Certification
  • GA DOE Leadership Academy

    Attended with the Leadership Team of my school - focus on school improvement.
  • School closed - changed schools

    Began working at Springdale Park Elementary.
  • Administrative move to another school.

    The Executive Director wanted me at Inman Middle School teaching 8th grade and Coordinate Algebra, so I was moved.
  • GA DOE Curriculum Writing

    Wrote 8th Grade Math Framework Units for the DOE aw we transitioned from GPS to CCSS.
  • Returned to prior school

    Was able to return to Springdale Park Elementary
  • APS Curriculum Writer

    Chosen as a unit writer for APS. I write and revise units throughout the year...continuous improvement.
  • Testing Coordinator

    Took on the role of Testing Coordinator in my school
  • MHRD at Clemson University

    Planned to possibly move into HR one day, so got a Master's in Human Resource Development.
  • Began Ed.S. in Curriculum & Instruction at KSU

    Will finish in May 2017.
  • APS Leadership Retreat

    Presented content on Instructional Practices and Mathematics Curriculum Units