• Daycare worker arrested for allegedly kicking napping child

    Daycare worker arrested for allegedly kicking napping child
    A daycare worker was arrested for kicking children as they sleep. The mom of one of the kids has bruising and cut on him
  • 6 year old girl abandoned at spa

    6 year old girl abandoned at spa
    A mother left her 6 year old at a spa to pay for her spa debt. After a month she still hasent come back for her kid
  • Man sprayed liquid manure through letterbox

    Man sprayed liquid manure through letterbox
    A man sprayed manure through a mans letterbox slot because of a grudge over a 6 year grudge with the neighbors dog
  • FBI agent dressed up as installer for search warrant

    FBI agent dressed up as installer for search warrant
    An FBI agent dressed up as a cable installer to enter a suspects house without a search warrant. After going in and getting evidence the court allowed a search warrant.
  • A woman was ID'ed when buying melons

    A woman was asked for ID when buying a melon because it might have fermented into alcohol. She laughed cause it was ridiculous