Culture Timeline

  • Same Sex Couple is Denied Marriage License

    A couple applied for a marriage license in the state of Minneapolis on the account that they were gay men. The Supreme Court ruled against the marriage and Baker v. Nelson was used as a precedent to deny same same marriage.
  • Spousal Rights Become Controversial

    A drunk driver placed Sharon Kowalski in a coma, causing severe brain damage. Despite Sharons wishes, her spouse Karen was denied the right to legal guardianship over Sharon. Karens case was won in 1991 and she became a spokesperson for gay rights
  • First Domestic Partnership Law Passed

    After 5 years of lobbying the city of Berkley, CA enacted the first domestic partnership ordinance.
  • First Mass Same-Sex Wedding Ceremony

    The first same-sex wedding ceremony was held on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The wedding marked the beginning of nearly 2,000 same-sex weddings
  • Same-Sex Employees Begin Receiving Domestic Partner Benefits

    Domestic partners of Levi Strauss & Co. employees are granted full medical benefits. MA Governor signs executive order granting homosexual workers the same family leave rights and benefits as heterosexual workers.
  • Hawaii Supreme Courts Rules on Same-Sex Marriage

    Hawaii's Supreme Court rules that the state can no longer deny same-sex marriage.
  • President Clinton Signs DOMA

    Clinton signs Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). It defines marriage as a "legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife" and defines a spouse as person of the opposite sex.
  • US Rabbis Approve Gay Partnership

    Rabbis voted to recognize the partnerships of gay and lesbian couples. The Central Conference of American Rabbis agreed to sanction religious ceremonies for same-sex couples.
  • House of Representatives Reject Same-Sex Marriage Ban

    The House and Senate refused to approve a constitutional amendment which would ban same-sex marriage.
  • Massachusetts Becomes the First State to Legalize Gay Marriage

    The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts had a 4-3 ruling in favor of same-sex marriage.
  • First Legal Gay Marriage in the US

    In Cambridge, Massachusetts Americas first LEGAL gay marriage between two women took place.
  • California Establishes Co-Parenting Rights for Same-Sex Couples

    The California Supreme Court recognizes the co-parenting of same-sex couples and grants them rights.
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    Many States Begin to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

    States such as Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut legalize same sex marriage.
  • US District Judge Rules CA Proposition 8 Unconstitutional

    Proposition 8; which added that only marriage between man and woman are valid in California state constitution, was ruled unconstitutional by US District Judge Vaughn Walker saying it violates due process and equal protection.
  • Obama Declares DOMA Unconstituional

    President Barack Obama Declares the the Defense of Marriage Act is Unconstitutional and the Department of Justice can no longer defend the law in Court
  • Same-sex Marriage is Made Legal in All 50 States

    In the Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme court ruled in favor of same sex marriage making it legal in all 50 states by a 5-4 vote.