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    Respect for nature and that everything has a spirit
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    Shaman interprets the dreams because he is the one who has the best “knowledge” or closest relationship with the spirits
  • Catholicism

    -Excommunication: Gets kicked out of catholicism and you will not get into heaven.
  • Absolutism

    A political ideology, where by the ruler was said to receive his or her power directly from god and was god’s representative on eart.
  • Cultural interactions between the natives and the french

    Cultural interactions between the natives and the french
    When the French got to new France, fur trade quickly became a big factor in why the land was so great. The French also started to convert the Amerindians to Christianity. Slowly, the Amerindians lost their culture and relied more on the European trades.
  • Liberalism

    Political ideology based on people having equal fundamental rights and those people have protection from the abuse of the monarch's power (Royalty, King or Queen).
  • Protestantism

    It is the “British” version of christianity
  • First Newspapers

    First Newspapers
    Because of liberalism, people were now able to give their opinion so they were able to have journals to express those ideas.
  • Republicanism

    It is a political ideology wanting people to govern themselves.
  • Ultramontanism

    A political and religious doctrine where the Catholic church dominates in every way, including political power.
  • Anticlericalism

    It is the opposite of ultramontanism. They don't want the Church to have so much control in the society.
  • Capitalism

    Rich merchants / companies opening a business with the goal of making as much profit as possible
  • Agriculturism

    The idea take in the 1900 to modernize agriculture and and open up new areas to colonization in Quebec
  • Social Reformism

    Social Reformism
    An Ideology that encourages social charge that fight poverty and other consequences of industrialization.
  • Communism

    Wanted the end of capitalist system and social classes by sharing the means of production.
    Ex. Young Communist League of Canada (in 1923), devoted themselves to the union movement in defense of workers.
  • Cooperatism

    People coming together with resources benefiting the other person
    - Was meant to be a critique of capital industrial development
    - Socialists were against the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few
    - No private ownership
  • Fascism

    Pronounced the restoration of a traditional order by authoritarian means
    - Ethnicity → some nations were superior to others
    - Required an all powerful leader
    - Military life and discipline
  • Socialism

    • Was meant to be a critique of capital industrial development
    • Socialists were against the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few
    • No private ownership
  • Feminism

    After World War II, women wanted more rights. They demanded equal rights with men such as voting in elections and being treated the same way.
  • Secularism

    Separating the church and the state
    EX: Following the Second World War, criticism of traditionalism became more varied.
    -Traditionalism that was vigorously defended by the Church, the Duplessis government and the alliances between the Church and state.
  • Conservatism

    Ideology that things should remain the same.
  • Americanism

    American ideas prevalent in canadian culture
    - New habits of consumption (clothing, appliances, etc)
    - 1952, the invention of television prompted a great number of families to buy a television set
    - Along with dances and music and theatre shows
    - While television spread American culture, it also encouraged the broadcasting of local cultural productions, such as soap operas
  • Nationalism

    A political ideology that identifies a nation as a group of individuals who share common characterization. Also refers to an individual's sense of belonging to a nation
  • Aboriginalism

    Beginning in the 1970’s, aboriginals peoples began to assert their concept of the nation.
    - Large hydroelectricity projects of the 1960s and 70s required the flooding of lands necessary for maintaining the traditional way of life for some Aboriginal peoples.
    - The aboriginal peoples hoped that Quebec and Canada would recognize their rights and consider their point of view, interests and cultural characteristics
  • Neoliberalism

    It is an ideology that advocated a laissez-faire approach to economics, emerged in Quebec during this period to address concerns about the province’s competitiveness in the global economy.