Divine right of kings
At the beginning of the French regime, the king of France had unrestricted power over his empire since it was believed that his authority came from God. During this time everyone was Catholic and the Catholic Church held much power, but not as much as the King. -
The Catholic Church controlled just about everything; education, health care and converting Amerindians. Catholic colonists were the only people allowed to emigrate to New France. Parish priests were the ones who supervised most activities, making sure they stay in line and respect the ways of the Catholic faith. -
College des Jésuites is founded
Controlled by the Church in Quebec city during the French regime, this school of higher education was for elite boys only. -
Ville Marie is founded for the purpose of converting Amerindians
Ville Marie, now Montreal was where the French settled in order to be closer to the Amerindians. The Catholic Church had a mission; to convert the Amerindians, which they thought were in the "wrong religion" since they did not believe in God. -
Grand Séminaire de Quebec is founded
Also controlled by the Church (like the College des Jésuites), the Grand Séminaire was in Quebec city and was a school to train priests. -
The Catéchisme du diocèse de Québec - published
The Catechism was a book which the clergy printed in order to explain the faith and practices of the Catholic Church. -
Rise of British imperialism
Imperialism is a current of thought, which in Canada, it was believed that Canada should maintain and reinforce its link with Great Britain. They were happy having the British empire in control and wish for there to be less independence. -
Montreal Gazette newspaper created
Founded by William Brown and Thomas Gilmore, this newspaper was used for the purpose of spreading liberal ideas. -
Rise of liberalism in Lower Canada
All individuals have equal and fundamental rights including protection from abuse of the monarch's power. Everyone has the right to live and be safe, freedom and to own private property. -
Rise of French Canadian nationalism
French Canadians saw themselves as a nation and wanted to preserve their culture. The Parti Canadien supported French Canadian nationalism and claimed the establishment of a democratic system. -
Period: to
Patriotes' Rebellions
The rebellions were armed conflicts between the rebels of Lower Canada and the British power of the province. -
Rise of Ultramontanism
Ultramontanism was a current of thought where Church overpowered State. They favoured submission to the Pope and promoted religious practice. -
Rise of anticlericalism
Some liberals didn't want the Church to intervene in political and social affairs. It was important that the society developed without the influence of the clergy. To them, a separation between Church and State was needed. Anticlericalism was the current of thought that believed the Church's only role was in religious matters. -
Rise of capitalism
Capitalism encourages the concentration of wealth will free competition, controlled by a small number of people. These people in Quebec were elite British bourgeoisie. -
Canadian nationalism
After Confederation in 1867, Canada became more independent by being able to control internal affairs. The relationship between French Canadians and English Canadians grew tense. The French Canadians wanted more autonomy, respect toward minority rights, equality between the French and English in Canada. -
Rise of agriculturism
This current of thought supported rural life and traditional agriculture. The Church agreed with this ideology as its spokesperson was Curé Antoine Labelle. -
Rise of feminism
Feminism is the current of thought that advocates the equality of women's rights. In Quebec, women obtained the right to vote in federal elections in 1918 and provincial elections in 1940. -
Rise of cooperatism
Cooperatism would allow farmers to pool their savings. It is an economic system which encourages pooling, and a shared management style and shared profits. In cooperatism everyone is equal. -
Caisses populaires Dejardins is founded
The Caisses populaires Dejardins created by Alphonse and Dorimème Dejardins was a financial cooperative which allowed farmers to invest in their equipment. This is an example of the current of thought, cooperatism. -
Birth of fascism
Fascism promotes tradition, totalitarianism and extreme nationalism, it was based on the idea that some nations were superior to others. Fascism rules with a dictatorship. -
Rise of socialism
Socialism first began in Europe and eventually became present in Quebec. It is an ideology which doesn't agree with capitalism and the growing industrial development. Socialists demanded an equal distribution of wealth. Communism came from this current of thought. -
Growing American influence (Americanism)
This ideology manifested through Canadians adopting new American habits of consumption. People were making more money and with it purchasing more goods such as appliances (ex: fridge). American culture was spread by music, television, radio, cars, etc . -
Rise of Secularism
This current of thought believed in the separation of Church and State. They thought that the Church had no place other than in spiritual affairs. Private and social affairs were to be taken care of by the state. -
Rise of Aboriginalism
This ideology emerged when Aboriginal people's land had to be flooded, which threatened their traditional way of life as well as their identities. They demanded respect and recognition of their rights. Their objective was to preserve the Aboriginal culture and way of life. -
Rise of Neoliberalism
Neoliberalist groups demand three things, reduced state intervention, free markets, and individual responsibility. They do not support taxes, or the intervention of the state in any economic matter.