Animism is the name that we give to the First Nation’s belief system. They believe that everything has a spirit, therefore, they respect everything. -
Shaman interprets the dreams because he has the most knowledge and closest relationship with spirits. -
Political ideology, whereby the ruler was said to receive his or her power directly from G-D (was G-D’s representative on earth). -
Catholicism is the original form of Christianity. The Jesuits & missionaries try to convert Aboriginals. If one is to disobey, they are to get excommunicated (getting “kicked” out of Catholicism & you will not get into heaven) -
Political ideology based on individuals having equal fundamental rights, including protection from the abuse of the monarch's power (Royalty, King or Queen). -
Protestantism is the“British” version of christianity. -
Nationalism is a political ideology that identifies a nation as a group of individuals who share common characteristics. Also refers to an individual's sense of belonging to a nation. -
Republicanism is an ideology suggesting that people should govern themselves. -
Ultramontanism is a political & religious doctrine where the Catholic Church dominates in every way, including political power. Basically, this doctrine says the Church should be involved in everything. -
Anticlericalism is the belief that the Church shouldn’t be involved in political life or one's cultural & intellectual life. Anticlericalism is opposed to Ultramontanism. -
Reformist-Liberalism is the ideology that wants to see the current liberal institutions reformed. -
Capitalism is rich merchants/companies opening a business with the goal of making as much profit as possible. -
Agriculturalism is the idea of modernizing agriculture & encouraging the opening of new regions to colonization in Québec. -
Aboriginal peoples began to assert their concept of the nation, they want their rights & culture in a written agreement/act with the government. -
Imperialism is an Ideology that advocates the political, cultural, economic &/or military domination exerted by the Mother Country on the Colony. (Early 20th century) -
Reformism is the ideology that encourages social change that fights poverty & other consequences of industrialization. -
Feminism is women demanding equal rights. In 1918, they received the right to vote at a federal level. Then, in 1940, they received the right to vote at a provincial level. -
Cooperatism allows the pooling of savings in order to raise the capital necessary for rural development. An example of this is caisses populaires dejardins. -
Socialism is an ideology against capitalism. There is no private ownership of businesses. -
Communism is a more extreme version of socialism want to get rid of not only capitalism but also of social classes. -
Fascism is the need to return to traditional order, through a supreme leader & military rule. -
Conservatism (pre-1950) is when people want things to stay the way they are. -
Americanism is a custom and way of life that resemble those of the US. They influence canadian culture. -
Secularism is the separation of Church and State (regular people completely separated from the church), it is an ideology that maintains that only spiritual matters are within the Church’s jurisdiction. -
Quebec Nationalism
Quebec Nationalism (during Contemporary) is done to protect French culture and language from Federal Canada by having an independent nation. -
Neoliberalism (new liberalism) is an ideology that advocated a laissez-faire approach to economics, emerged in Quebec during this period to address concerns about the province’s competitiveness in the global economy.