Period: Nov 15, 1500 to
Culture and Currents of Thought
Nov 16, 1500
Animism has the ideas of respecting nature. The Indians believed that all living things have souls. For example, when they killed an animal, they would prey to their god for it and said it was for an important reason. They wouldn't kill animals just for hunting (fun), they did it to suirvive. -
Period: Nov 17, 1500 to
Indian Regime
All the Indian aspects happened during this time period -
The influence of Catholicism on culture. The catholic church was Very Powerful. You did what the church wanted or you were excommunicated meaning at the time you were a nobody (couldn't trade). The church had a great influence on a society for example:
-Priests in charge of parishes (cure)
-Priests working as missionaries
-Nuns working in hospitals
-Nuns working in schools
-Potential priests were trained in a seminary. Only the brightest of boys were sent there.
-Money -
Period: to
French Regime
All aspects of the French on Quebec -
Marguerite Bourgeoys
The Church spreads its ideas by controling education in the colon. They were the teachers and controled the content. Marguerite Bourgeoys establishes the first school in North America in Montreal. -
The Royal Government
To alter the political situation; under the old system the companies who held a monopoly were almost destroying New France. The king (Louis 14th) ended the monopoly and placed New France under the Minister of Marine who at the time was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. He and Louis decided to implement Royal Government -
Settlers(habitants) had happy lives but it was work. There was work to be done everyday for example; Caring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools, preparing for winter. New France was not really developing settlers became self-dependent in other words they took care of themselves. The people of New France were very autonomous and by 1760 grew to become a distinct set of people called Canadien. No surprise that they would stay here after the British Conquest. -
Period: to
British Rule or Regime
This timespan is when the British took control over Quebec due to the British Conquest. -
a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
For example:
-Diffusion of liberal ideas by means of newspapers.
-Development of parliamentarism (the system of parliamentary government)
-Reflection of liberal ideas in a -
Ultramontanism is the policy of the party in the Roman Catholic Church that favors increasing and enhancing the power andauthority of the pope.
For example:
-Advocating of absolute obedience to the Catholic religion.
-Church seeks to increase and extend its influence in all spheres of life. -
Anticlericalism is opposed to the influence and activities of the clergy or the church in secular or public affairs.
For example:
-It is in opposition to ultramontanism (opposite to ultramontanism).
- Advocating of the separation of church and state. What we have today thanks to the Quiet Revolution.
-Promotion of a more democratic regime. -
Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies.
For example:
-The architectural influence.
-The parliamentary political organisation. -
Period: to
Contemporary Period
The present period in Quebec -
Imperialism: During Contemporary Period
Imperialism is the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies.
For example:
-The spread of the British ideas (imperialists) in newspapers and stories.
-The founding of the newspaper Le Devoir to protest against imperialism. -
Capitalism is an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations.
For example:
-The construction of buildings (homes, corporate head offices) by capitalists who form part of our architectural heritage.
-The diffusion of capitalist ideas (principles of private property) through the mainstream press owned by businessmen. -
Socialism is a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution in a community.
For example:
-Questioning the spread of capitalism through labour movements, student movements and in independent magazines. -
Agriculturismis to push to support farmers and farming.
For example:
-Valorisation of rural, community and parish life in novels
-The creation of community groups such as Le Cercle des fermières and spread of their ideas in a magazine. -
Nationalism in its broadest sense, is a devotion to one's own nation and its interests over those of all other nations.
-Britain exercised imperialism by controlling a vast number of colonies all over the world. Along with the other world super powers they built massive empires. Britain expected its colonies to obey and follow it’s commands, this wasn’t always the case.
In Canada some people wanted to follow Britain some did not.
-French-Canadian Nationalism
-Fre.Cdn. Nationalism -
Laicism is the nonclerical, or secular, control of political and social institutions in a society. -
Fascism is the idea that a dictator (single person) should control the entire country. They normally rule threw the use of propaganda and force.
For example, this was adopted in Spain and Italy, but brought to an extreme in Germany by the Nazi’s lead by Adolf Hitler. -
Feminism is the Role of Women in a society.
-Women had a hard life, married young, produced many children over 10 was the norm.
-Women forced to do as their husbands commanded
-Long days of work, both at home and some in factories
-Women often did the worst jobs
-They had few rights(no vote), little education.
-One escape Become a nun.
-WW1 women were allowed to vote because husbands were at war. -
Americanism is the american ideas on a society.
For example:
-The emergence of American cultural trends such as dance (charleston), music (jazz) and spread of American culture through films, radio and television.
-To counter American influences, the church spreads ideas of traditional Catholic culture through music (la bonne chanson), media and education.
-Influence of American culture through the media. -
Neoliberalism is the new wave of liberalis meaning that it is hands off government.
For example:
-Advocating the removal of the state in various spheres of society.
-Active opposition to socialist groups wanting to maintain intervention of the state. -
Aboriginalism is the effects of Native cultures on a society.
For example:
-Claims for ancestral rights and recognition of aboriginal identity through tradition culture.