cultural revolution

  • set the stage for the cultural rev

    Mao zedong and Jiang Qing decide to erase any media that are against his leadership in the party. Jiang Qing ordered a critique on a play written by Beijing's mayor that was seen as a potential attack on Mao. Jiang Qing criticized other media that had substance consisting of the bourgeois, anti-party sentiment and anti-socialist themes. Mao put his friends in power,
  • Period: to

    cultural rev

  • unofficial beginning of the cultural rev

    The May 16 Circular states the goals of the CCP to eliminate bourgeuois that had made it into government positions. Mao encourages students to seek out people against the movement. They formed the Red Guard.
  • first dazibao

    The first dazibao was created on this date. It was done by a teacher directed against the administration and other teachers of the university of Beijing. This encouraged students to create dazibaos to criticize intellectuals and bourgeuois.
  • red guards

    Students became Red Guards because they were dissatifisfied by the educational system. Some just wanted to join a wider movement than themselves.
  • Mao dazibao

    Mao had a dazibao that was aimed at Liu Shaoqi, who was the vice chairman of the CCP. This encouraged students to attack other leaders.
  • Sixteen Points Directive

    The directive meant that the Chinese government officially supports Mao and acknowledges the Red Guards.
  • red guards' rally

    The Red Guards rallied in Beijing, and Mao encouraged them to go out and destroy the "Four Olds". The students had Mao's Little Red Books and they were chanting Mao's slogans. The PLA supported the Red Guards.
  • Violence

    The Red Guards went out to destroy the "Four Olds", the Bourgeoisie or the Seven Blacks but some groups of students went against each other and violence erupted between groups wwith different ideals. Around 1700 people were beat and 38000 homes were invaded.
  • promoting Mao

    Lin Biao started spreading propaganda of Mao. People read the Little Red Book. The cult of personality around Mao grew. This was partly to cover the violence caused by the Red Guards.
  • down to the countryside

    To reeducate the youth, Mao sends the youth to the countryside where they do labor and are reeducated by peasants. Some don't go down and instead join the army. Many youth died from malnutrition or other poor living conditions. This meant that there would be no opposition to the party from the youth.
  • red guards disbanded

    thousands were killed, tortured, or driven to suicide. The economy had also taken a drop. Most of the members of the CCPCC had been kicked. Mao uses the military to regain control.
  • ninth congress of the CCP

    The remaining members of the congress applauded the elimination of the bourgeoisie, capitalists, revisionists, and counterrevolutionaries. Lin Biao was named as the vice chairman of the CCP. Mao emphasized the rebuilding of society. Committees were set up to achieve this purpose.
  • Lin Biao Affair

    Lin Biao attempted an assassination of Mao. It failed and Lin Biao tried to escape to the Soviet Union, but his plane crashed in Mongolia. The people questions the legitimacy of the cultural revolution when they found out he died.
  • criticize lin biao/confucius

    Deng Xiaoping becomes vice premier in 1973.Wang Hongwen replaced LIn Biao as vice chairman of the CCP, while Jiang Qing and Zhou Enlai vye for power. Mao starts a campaign to criticize Lin Biao and blame the country's failures on him, and he criticizes Confucius in the campaign as well as Zhou Enlai has Confucian ideals.
  • leading to end of the cultural revolution

    Deng Xiaoping becomes the vice premier, but is criticized by Jiang Qing and is later demoted by Mao. Mao replaces Zhou Enlai with Hua Guofeng. In Sep 1975 Mao is hospitalized and dies a year later. Jiang Qing is arrested. THe mistakes of the revolution were put on the Gang of Four instead of Mao.
  • Tiananmen Square Incident

    Zhou Enlai dies, and the people go to mourn him in Tiananmen square. He was seen as a great moderate leader that was respected b the people. Some commemorated Zhou while some criticized Jiang Qing and her allies. This was labeled as counterrevolutionary until the end of the Cultural Revolution.
  • down to the countryside effects

    December 1968, Mao sends the Chinese youth down to the countryside
    Short term: Many died from poor living conditions in the countryside.
    Long term: The youth missed out on formal education. They were also subject to propaganda that still influences some today.
  • lin biao affair effects

    Short: The suspicious death of Lin Biao made the people sad as he was seen as a good student of Mao and he was in line to lead the country.
    Long: The coverup made the people question the legitimacy of the cultural revolution and the party.
  • red guards violence effects

    Short: many people were beat, tortured, or committed suicide due to the violence done by the Red Guards.
    Long: Chinese historical artifacts and cultural objects were destroyed in the effort to eliminate the Four Olds, to this day we can still see the watered down Chinese cultural artifacts.