From 1900 to 1939

  • "Lord Jim"

    Joseph Conrad
  • Formally established the labour party

  • Period: to

    Twentieth century

  • Queen Victoria got very ill and died after giving his son a big huge

  • King Edward was coronated

  • "Heart of darkness"

    Short novel by Joseph Conrad
  • "The assambassors"

    By william James
  • Diplomatic mission in France

  • "Nostromo"

    Joseph Conrad
  • "The golden Bowl"

    Maggie Verver
  • Coronation of King George V in india

  • The Georgian Poets

    They were a group whose work appeared in five volumes called ´Georgian Poetry´.
  • "Maurice"

    An homosexual novel By E.M. Foster written in 1913 but published in 1971
  • First word war began

  • "The rainbow"

    Lawrence's novel
  • "The voyage out"

    Virginia Wolf
  • End of the 1st word war

    The arrival of American troops in France
    ended Germany's hopes, and it surrendered in
    November 1918.
  • Woman vote

    Some women over the age of thirty gained the right to vote
  • 29 per cent of the total workforce of britain was female

  • ´Futility´

    Wilfred owen
  • Treaty of versalles

  • "Women in love"

    Lawrence's novel
  • Comic novels witten by Adous Huxley and Evelyn Waugh

  • miner's strike

  • "Jacob's room

    Virginia Woolf
  • The 1st labour government was created

  • "A passage to India"

    E.M. Foster
  • "Lady Chatterley's lover

  • "The depression"

  • King George V dies

  • Second word war