Cuise industry

  • 1840 steam ships introduced

    They were transatlantic ships. They started to carry passengers from the UK to America. They wanted to migrate. Big iron ships. people brought a one way ticket for the ship. Took 10 days to get to America and the ship was slow and heavy.
  • Cunard worlds first cruise line

    First company to have a scheduled regular service from the UK to America.
  • 1843 SS Great Britan

    Famous for being the first ship with a propeller instead of a paddle wheel and was the third ship to be completely made out of iron. It was a lot faster than previous ships.
  • 1844- first advertised cruise.

    First advertised cruise. Cunard and P&O. P&O began advertising cruises from Southampton to Gibralter, Malta and Athens.
  • Signal light system introduced

    To make ships stand out and let them be seen in the night and in bad weather, they put lights on the ships. Green light on the right(starboard) and red light on the left (port)
  • Electricity introduced on ships

    Servia was made of steel was first used on ships such which made it lighter and electricity was used and were lighter and you had rooms with bathrooms.
  • Period: to

    Luxury ships introduced

    Ships were developed to go on journeys and voyages, an example being the Titanic. They became more luxurious to cater for super wealthy customers. They became very comfortable for people with money and would be something wealthy people would do regularly. Cruise ships were the main mode of transport in those days for long haul travel.
  • Communication

    You could now able to communicate with other ships with the first wireless communication being introduced. They would send out an sos signal if in need of help.
  • 1912 The Titanic

    The Titanic sank and was built to be the unsinkable ship. Biggest ship made at the time. 15,000 people died. They didn't have enough lifeboats for everyone onboard. Women and children were first off.
  • Period: to

    1965-1985: development and growth of summer package holidays.

    Cruise companies had to adapt to compete with cheap holidays to Greece, Spain and Portugal. Modern ships started to be introduced, carrying more passengers which brought the cost of cruising down to make it more affordable so that it appealed to the mass market. People were able to afford more cruises so more people went on them. As the industry grew there was a rise in cruise companies and ships.
  • 1967 QE2

    The first big Atlantic liner with private facilities in every cabin.
  • 2013- Multi-generational families

    Cruises were being marketed as the perfect holiday for grandparents, parents and kids to take all together as they could pursue different activities on-board. NCL Cruise Lines(2013) have stated" between 15 and 20 percent of their guests are a part of a multi-generational group" and Carnival Cruise Lines state " More than half of our bookings involve more than one state room, no doubt many booked by family groups"
  • 2003-Worlds biggest cruise company

    Horizontal integration, 2003 P&O princess cruises merged with carnival cruises to form carnival corporation.P&O Cruises is part of Carnival Corporation & plc the world's largest leisure company, and has been for over 20 years. Carnival is based in the USA and its combined fleet includes over 100 ships across several cruise lines including Cunard, Princess and Carnival Cruise Line. Merged to cover both markets for carnival they covered americ/carabeean and P&O covered europe
  • 2003- Ocean village launched

    Ocean Village cruises offered cruises for people who wanted to party and didn't want the official type of cruise. It was cheap, informal, and relaxed to make it a more comfortable experience. Ocean village operated from Southampton and was run by P&O cruises.
  • 2008 Oasis class ships

    They were launched by Royal Caribbean. These ships can hold over 4,000 passengers and crew. They are meant for everyone as they try and make them more affordable. They have different pools and slides
  • 2014- Virgin Cruises launched.

    Vertical Integration. Virgin have and airline tour operator and cruise line. In partnership with the Virgin Group, Virgin Voyages is jointly funded by Bain Capital, one of the world's leading private multi-asset alternative investment firms. Their cruise ships are aimed to be adult only ships.
  • 2020-Scarlet Lady

    Scarlet Lady is a cruise ship owned and operated by Virgin Voyages. Covid-19 postponed her official debut until late 2021, after which she sailed her inaugural voyage to the Bahamas from her home port of Miami. The Scarlet Lady is 278 meters long and 38 meters wide, with a gross tonnage of 110,000. The Scarlet Lady is designed to be environmentally friendly.
    The Scarlet Lady has a crew of 1,160 people.The Scarlet Lady can accommodate more than 2,770 passengers and has over 1,400 cabins.
  • 2022-Viking Missisipi ship

    Holds 386 passengers 5 decks 519 cabins Viking operates the ship located inland us mainly goes to new Orleans and Memphis Mississippi river class facilities- restaurant, library, living room area, bar, river café, bbq duration 8days 6hours Viking Mississippi was built in Louisiana length:450 feet older generation,
  • 2022- Increase in demand post-covid and Cost of living crisis

    When the industry opened again there were many people who wanted to go on a cruise. There was big demands on long cruises. Companies were forced to launch their 2023 itineraries early to capture future demand. Many companies announced record sellouts. P&O cruises sold out within six hours of its 40 day 2022 Caribbean cruise going on sale. Cost-of-living crisis- Cruises remained very popular so companies had to offer cheaper packages to attract more customers.