
Cuban Revolution

  • The Start of the Cuban Revolution

    The Start of the Cuban Revolution
    The date when the Cuban Revolution started was July 26, 1953. Fidel Castro gained enough support and power to eventually overthrow Batista. In the war the U.S. was sending supplies to both sides at times.
  • The Moncada Barracks Attack

    The Moncada Barracks Attack
    There were many major battles during the war. One of them was the Moncada Barracks Attack. The date of this battle was July 26, 1953 led by Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro lost the battle that day.
  • A Famous Speech

    A Famous Speech
    One of the speeches was the "History Will Absolve Me" speech. This speech took place on October 16, 1953. The speech was four hours long and spoken by Fidel Castro.
  • The Granma Landing

    The Granma Landing
    After being released from prison on May 15, 1955, Castro fled to make plans for another attack. The Granma Landing was a landing that brought Fidel Castro back with 82 soldiers on the yacht in November 1956. Today, the place that they landed is now a national park called the Granma National Park.
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    The Battle of La Plata

    Another attack was The Battle of La Plata. It took place on July 11, 1958- July 21, 1958. This battle was part of the operation, Operation Verano. This attack was sent by the Batista government by General Cantillo, and was directed at Castro’s mountain base.
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    The Battle of Las Mercedes

    This battle, the Battle of Las Mercedes, was the last battle sent by the Batista government. The date of this battle was July 29, 1958- August 8, 1958. It was a part of Operation Verano.
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    The Battle of Yaguajay

    The battle of Yaguajay took place on December 19, 1958- December 30, 1958. It was the battle that led Castro and his supporters to a victory. This battle was in two different places, Yaguajay and Santa Clara.
  • Leaders of the Cuban Revolution.

    Leaders of the Cuban Revolution.
    The leaders of the Cuban revolution on both sides of the war were, the rebels, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Rene Ramos Latour, and Raul Castro. On the Republic of Cuba's side Fulgencio Batista. The United States supported Batista even when the rebels came to unseat him in 1959.
  • The End of Batista

    The End of Batista
    When Castro attacked Batista in 1959, he defeated him and made himself the dictator of Cuba. After Castro defeated Batista, he executed most of his enemies and threw the rest in prison. Even though the U.S. supported Batista (in the end), they originally supported Castro and sent him supplies to defeat him.
  • The Cuban Revolution´s End

    The Cuban Revolution´s End
    The date that the Cuban revolution is January 1, 1959. Fidel Castro went on as the dictator from 1959 through 2008. Castro established the first communist country in the Western hemisphere.