
Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Day one

    Day one
    United States finds evidence of long range Missles in Cuba
  • Day two

    Day two
    Robert Kennedy has a meeting with Soviet foreign minister andrei grymko who tells Kennedy the only help the ussr is giving Cuba is through crops
  • Day three

    Day three
    Us contemplates the idea of quarantining Cuba in order to hurt them economicly
  • Day four

    Day four
    Robert Kennedy gives recommendation of quarantining Cuba to president kennedy
  • Day six

    Day six
    President Kennedy gives a speech to a televised audience about Cuban Missles crisis
  • Day eight

    Day eight
    When us officials contact kruschev he refuses to remove the Missles from Cuba, because u.s has Missles in turkey
  • Day nine

    Day nine
    Us prepares more night flights over Cuba to monitor Cuban missles
  • Day 10

    Day 10
    American pilot flies off course into soviet air space, alarming soviets
  • Day eleven

    Day eleven
    President Kennedy agrees not to invade cuba
  • Day thirteen

    Kruschev removes Missles from Cuba, us removes Missles from turkey
  • Day seven

    Day seven
    Khrushchev orders ships headed to Cuba to stop in order to prevent confrontation with the United states