
Cuban Missile Crisis

  • JFK is told about the missiles in Cuba.

    JFK is told about the missiles in Cuba.
    Two ideas are offered: an invasion or a naval quarantine on the country. Kennedy decides to continue on his normal schedule.
  • Period: to

    Cuban missile crisis

  • troops begin to move towards Cuba

    troops begin to move towards Cuba
    The American units begin to move bases to the southern United States and near Cuba.. Kennedy attends a service at the Cathedral.
  • The troops surround Cuba

    The troops surround Cuba
    Kennedy is told that the Soviets will be no threat to the United States. Kennedy does not tell anyone what he knows about the missiles.
  • JFK meets with the seceratary of defense

    JFK meets with the seceratary of defense
    Kennedy leaves for a trip to Ohio and Illinois.
  • Kennedy has the blockade

    Kennedy has the blockade
    Kennedy has the troops surround Cuba.. The troops are hoping that they won't have to start a war
  • President meets with Sweeney

    President meets with Sweeney
    Sweeney tells Kennecy that an air strike would not do 100% damage to the missiles in Cuba
  • Kennedy instructs meetings

    Kennedy instructs meetings
    Kennedy instructs the National Seceratary to hold meetings every single day.
  • Holding of Russian ships

    Holding of Russian ships
    Kennedy asks Krushchev to stop any Russian ships from getting close to Cuba.
  • Krushchev replies to kennedy

    Krushchev replies to kennedy
    Krushchev replies to a letter that Kennedy wrote to him..
  • Kennedy drafts a letter

    Kennedy drafts a letter
    Kennedy knew that some of the missiles could be operated. because of this, he decided to write letters to Krushchev
  • request to remove the missiles

    request to remove the missiles
    a letter is received stating the request of the removal of the missiles in turkey .
  • removal of the missiles

    removal of the missiles
    all of the missiles in Cuba are removed by the Soviets.. President Kennedy puts the embargo on Cuba..
  • Soviets are stopped

    Soviets are stopped
    a soviet freighter is stopped and searched for military supplies. Castro wants Krushchev to fire nuclear weapons on the United States.