Cuban Affiliates with Soviet Union
Cuba has been linked to the Soviet Union in history numerous times. The affilation was triggered once the US and Cuban relations went wrong, The Soviet Union picked them up and gave them assitance in many differnet measures. The powerful relation that Cuba had with the Soviets prompted them to start the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fidel Castro agreed to allow missiles into Cuba. Link:
Cuba and Soviet Union Relations -
Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba failed
This was a failed attempt of the US to invade Cuba. The US had ended relations with Cuba and then had around 1300 Cuban exiles trained and ready to go invade Cuba at the bay of Pigs on the south side of the island. But when they arrived, they got no support from the people in Cuba and were not able to cross the island to Havana. In the end, 90 exiles died and the rest were kept as prisoners in Cuba. Link:
<a href='http://goo.gl/wKlLb' >Bay of Pigs< -
Photos of the Missile Sites revealed
With tensions rising, the US flew a U-2 spy plane over Cuba to receive conformation on whether or not the soviets were supplying them with missile materials. Once the U-2 captured the photos, the evidence was clear that there were missiles being constructed in Cuba and the US needed to take action.
Missile Sighting
<a href='http://goo.gl/iTWe9' >Missile Sites -
Kennedy becomes aware of th situation and assembles a meeting.
President Kennedy is aware of the situation in Cuba and assembles a meeting with a group later known as the EX-COMM. This establishment discusses US’s action through military and diplomatic services.. The EX-COMM consists of superior and high ranked officials and people the Kennedy could trust, including his brother Robert Kennedy. Link:
Kennedy is informed -
Naval Blockade is Built
Naval BloackadeNow with the confirmation of missiles in Cuba, Kennedy needed to make a decision on how to approach the issue of the missiles in Cuba. Kennedy constructed a meeting with some officials on how to stop this. A diplomatic solution was almost ruled out by everyone else, but Kennedy rejected invading and starting a nuclear war. So he created the idea of a naval blockade to stop ships from shipping supplies to Cuba; in the end the idea turned out successful. Link: -
President Kennedy informs the Public of Cuban Missiles and Naval blockade
President Kennedy officially announces to the public on national television that Missile Sites were revealed on the island of Cuba. He explains that the security of the United States is important to him and will ensure safety no matter what the cost. He further engages about the solution that has been discussed, building a naval blockade. Link:
Informs the Public
President Kennedy Speech -
The U.S. moves quarantine lines back
By the end of the day, U.S. ships had taken up position along the quarantine line 800 miles from Cuba. Kennedy receives a letter from Khrushchev in which Khrushchev comments that there is a, "serious threat to peace and security of people.” President Kennedy decides to give Khrushchev more time and pulls the quarantine line back to 500 miles.
Quarantine Line -
US goes to lowest level
On October 24, 1962, Soviet Union ships were heading towards Cuba but they all turned back home except for one ship. What each ship was carrying was unknown. Later in the day, The United States military forces went to the lowest level in history, DEFCON 2. DEFCON is an alert condition showing the level of danger as 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest. Link:
Kennedy tries to negotiate with the Soviet Union
NegotiationKennedy blames the Crisis on the Soviet Union and The EX-COMM discusses a plan where the US removes its missiles in Turkey in exchange for the Soviet Union removing its missiles from Cuba. Summary: With tensions rising while the naval blockade was keeping soviets out of Cuba, the missile sites are almost completed and some type of talk was in need of being set. Kennedy and Khrushchev secretly sent letters explaining their demands. The Russians wanted to US to remove the Link: -
Counterargument from Khrushchev
A CIA report said that there was no halt in progress in the development of the missile sites and another report reveals the Soviets were also attempting to camouflage the missiles. Later in the day, Khrushchev sends another letter to Kennedy proposing removing his missiles if Kennedy would publicly announce never to invade Cuba. Link
Another Letter -
Kennedy recieves another letter from Krushchev
Khrushchev sends Kennedy another letter suggesting the US to remove its missiles from Turkey so that they will remove their missiles from Cuba. An American U-2 is shot down in Cuban air Space killing the pilot. Kennedy writes back to Khrushchev saying that he will not invade Cuba if the Soviet Union removes its missiles from Cuba.
Letters -
Krushchev releases he will remove the Missiles
President Kennedy receives a letter from Khrushchev saying that he will accept the offer that Kennedy made on October 27. So in return for removing the missiles from Cuba, the U.S. must promise not to invade Cuba and in a secret side deal, the U.S. has to remove its missiles from Turkey. Khrushchev later announces over radio that he will remove the missiles from Cuba.
Khrushchev announces it's over