Jan 24, 1492
People of Cuba dying
The inhabitants of Cuba were dyign because it was the time Columbus landed and Columbus 's sailors brought diseases to the people. -
Apr 18, 1511
Diego Velásquez ruled the spanards and had estaplish settlements. -
Cuba's Industry
In the 1800s Cuba's sugar cane industry boomed, requiring massive numbers of black slaves. -
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Slimmer of Hope
A tiny movement that showed a glance of hope turned into a open warfare. -
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Independence Movment turning into open Warfare
The tiny movement has grown and now has turn into open warfare. -
Slavary ended in Cuba thsi year. -
Ending Spanish Rule
In 1895 the poet Jose Marti led the struggle to end the Spanish rule. -
U.S helps Cuba
The U.S sinks the battleship Maine in Havana harbor. -
Cuba is an independent republic
Cuba made a treaty where the U.S protects them but it ended in 1902. -
Platt Amendment Making
This Platt Amendment allowed the U.S to intervene in Cuba's affairs and created in 1901. -
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Platt Amendment Period
This Platt Amendment allowed the U.S to intervene in Cuba's affairs, which it did 4 times from 1906-1920 and Cuba got rid of the amendment in 1934. -
A Rebellion
In 1933 a group of army officers, overthrew President Gerardo Machado. Batista became president in 1940, running a corrupt police state. -
A New Turn
Castro disavowed Cuba's 1952 military pact with the U.S, and confiscated U.S assets, and established Soviet style collective farms. -
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A New Government
In 1956, Fidel Castro Ruz launched a revolution frmo his camp in the Sierra Maestra moutains. Castro's brothers Raul and Ernesto, an Argentine physician, were his top lieutenants. Many people who opposed Batista supported the rebels. The U.S ended military aid in Cuba in 1958, and on New Year's day 1959, Batista fled into exile and Castro took over the government. -
Done with the U.S
On 1961 January 3rd, the U.S broke relations with Cuba and Castro formalized his alliance with the Soviet Union.