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Cuba in the Cold War

  • General Fulgencio Batista takes Cuba!

    General Fulgencio Batista takes Cuba!
    General Fulgencio Batista was a Military dictator who took over Cuba in a coup (A sudden violent overthrow of the government).
  • Batista flees Cuba

    Batista flees Cuba
    On January 1st 1959, Castro's army of rebels took over and General Fulgencio Batista fleed the country.
  • New USA president!

    New USA president!
    John F Kennedy is elected as the president of the United states who at this time had cut off all trades with Cuba.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The CIA backed about 1400 cuban refugees and entered the swampy southern coast of Cuba. This invasion failed and 1100 men were taken hostage by the Cuban army. The USA had to get them released for a ransom.
  • Attempting to End the Cold War with Cuba

    Kennedy issued a demand to Soviet Leader Khrushchev that the missiles be removed from Cuba. Kennedy gave a televised speech announcing that the United States had i evidence of offensive missiles in Cuba. Kennedy also announced that he was imposing a blockade “on all offensive military equipment.”
  • World war III?

    A poll showed that one fifth of Americans believed that world war three was coming soon, This shows how serious the situation was.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Cuba and the Soviet Union began to trade frequently. Soon after, the CIA found that the Cubans were creating Missles to sent to the US.
  • Resolution

    On October 28, 1963 Kennedy and Khrushchev came to the agreement for the Soviet Union to return the cuban missles back home and to cease sending them to Cuba. In turn Kennedy agreed to remove the nuclear armed missles from Turkey so they couldn't be used against the Soviet Union.