Cuba flag

Cuba Historic events

  • Oct 12, 1492

    The Discovery

    Christopher Columbus claims Cuba for Spain.
  • Mar 14, 1511

    Spain concurs Cuba

    Diego Velazquez sends spain to conquer Cuba and to establish settlments.
  • Mar 14, 1523

    Sugar is first grown

    Sugar is first grown in Cuba, and it will later become a very important crop.
  • Yellow Fever

    1/3 of the Havanna, Cuba's capital, population dies of yellow fever.
  • Ten Years War Ends

    After ten years of war, spain promises greater autonomy for Cuba,
  • Slavery abolished

    Slavery is abolished in Cuba
  • America takes over

    The Spanish American war begins, and after America defeats Spain, we begin to occupie the island of Cuba.
  • Cuban Independence Day

    The U.S. ends our military occupation on Cuba, and they win their independence in May 1902.
  • Communism

    The Cuban communist party begins.
  • Social Constitution

    The Cuban Communist party adopts a social constitution as Fidel Castro becomes the president.