Tariff of 1894
High American duty on sugar production in Cuba. Sugar was Cuba's main source of income and it helped provoke the Cubans to revolt. -
Insurrectos(Cuban Revolt)
Cuban revolt that used methods to drive out the SPanish by using the Scorched earth policy. But these destructive measures made the United States want to intervene because the island was of great wealth to the U.S. -
Reconcentration Camps
The Spanish general "Butcher" Weyler trapped all the revoltees in concentration camps protected by barbed wire that had terrible methods of sanitation. These camps resulted in the death of many Cubans -
Yellow Journalism
William Randolph Hearst and Joeseph Pulitzer wrote about exagerated truthes of the Spanish control over Cuba. This led people to believe that the situation was worse then it was. -
USS Maine
An American ship ready to evacuate soldiers in case relations worsened and became hostile. The ship mysteriously blew up in Havana harbor and killed 260 soldiers and the U.S. blamed the on a Spanish mine. -
War Message
Mckinley sent his war message to Congress for armed intervention of Cuba, and Congress responded quickly basically with a declaration of war. Mckinley was extremely hesitant to plunge into war and proved to be very indecisive through this situation. -
Teller Amendment
Announced to the world that when the U.S. had overthrown the misrule of the Spanish in Cuba that the U.S. would free the Cubans. This declaration made the Imperialist powers in Europe question the truth in the proclamation. -
El Caney and Kettle Hill
Roosevelt and his "rough riders" along with some support to follow, charged and faced little opposition due to the Cuban Insurrectos. The Americans closed in on Santiago and pushed the Spanish out to the water where their naval ships were waiting. -
Naval Trap out of the Santiago Harbor
As Roosevelt pushed the Spanish troops of the land, Capt. Philip awaited the Spanish fleet in the Harbor and he destroyed the Spanish with ease. -
Spanish Armistice
After Spain was further defeated at Puerto Rico, the Spanish officially signed an armitsice with the U.S. -
What WOULD have happened
IF the Americans had delayed their Victory in the Spanish American War, the American soldiers very likely would have lost due to the diseases that were eating away at their army and the obvious caualties from the actual fighting.