
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris helped gain Cuba its independence from Spain, however Cuba's new constitution allowed the USA to intervene in Cuba affairs, finance and foreign relations
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    American Influence

    During the 50 year the USA heavily influenced Cuba. Cuba also served an economic purpose for America as it forced Cubans to sel raw materials for cheaper prices. America runned the railway industry, 2/3 of the land was controlled by America and it controled Guantanamon Bay which was a US naval base. Cuban tourism industry grow as rich Americans came to Cuba and could enjoy illegal things like drinking, gambling and prostitutaion. The Mafi controlled much of the gambling, horse racing and hotels
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    Batista regime

    Bastista was a very corrupted dictator. 75% of Cuba's farming land was owned by foreign people or companies. Cuba had segregation for blacks and whites. 20% of Cubans were illiterate. Over 1/2 of people in rural area were illiterate and more than 61% of childern didn't go to school. 6000 Cuban
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    Unhappy with Batista, Castro overthrough the corrupt government and became the prime minister
  • Castro's Government

    Telephone company was nationalized and cheaper to use. Land was redustributed among peasants and rents were cut. Difference between black and white were abolished. Educated people were sent to countryside to educate people for free. 3 new doctor training schools were built and redistributed them. Free healthcare was introduce. Exiled the Mafia. 90% of the population supported Castro. People who opposed Castro were sent to prison.
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    Bay Of Pigs

    Fearing the Cuba had just turned communist this brought fear in the US as communism was so close to the US. So the CIA trained exile Cubans. They used guerrilla warfare. The plan was to take over Cuba and people would join to over throw Castro. This failed as they weren't organized, Castro knew about this and the people didn't want to overthrow Castro.
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