4º generation of computers

  • ideal computer (1971-1981)

    ideal computer (1971-1981)
    It made it an ideal computer for "personal" use, hence the term "PC" will be standardized and the clones that were later released by other companies were called "PC and compatible", using processors of the same type as IBM, but at a lower cost and can execute the same type of programs. There are other types of microcomputers, link text
  • microprocessor (1972)

     microprocessor (1972)
    The first 8-bit microprocessor was the Intel 8008, developed in 1972 for use in computer terminals.
  • developed microprocessor (1974)

    developed microprocessor (1974)
    The first microprocessor really designed for general use, developed in 1974, was the Intel 8080 8-bit, which contained 4500 transistors and could execute 200,000 instructions
    per second.
    Link text
  • First Apple (1976)

     First Apple (1976)
    Steven Paul Jobs, was a very intelligent child, but not decided. He joined Steve Wozniak to found Apple, in 1976, the company of which he was president. He leaves behind us impressive products of his Apple brand, such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad, icons of modern technology
  • Apple III (1980)

    Apple III (1980)
    Steven Paul Jobs, was a very intelligent child, but not decided. He joined Steve Wozniak to found Apple, in 1976, the company of which he was president. He leaves behind us impressive products of his Apple brand, such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad, icons of modern technology