1751 Benjamin Franklin helps establish “English Academy”
The “English Academy” eventually becomes University of Pennsylvania. It is the first school to teach practical mathematical skills (surveying, navigation, and merchant’s accounts) in addition study of the classics. Practical, every day, useful competences are taught for the first time in college. This is the precursor to integrating Career and Technology Education by offering real-world courses that have not always been taught in the traditional classroom setting. -
1862 The First Morrill Act
The First Morrill Act was a Land Grant College Act. It granted land to states to establish colleges that offered programs in home economics, agriculture, and mechanics/shop. Texas A&M Agriculture & Mechanic Arts was founded in 1876 as the first institute of higher learning in Texas. Prairie View A&M was the African American counterpart to the all-white Texas A&M established in 1876. These college programs pioneered CTE education at the high school level. -
1880’s Hampton Normal School
Hampton Normal School, which would go on to become Hampton University is established as, “The new trade school would offer instruction in farming, carpentry, harnessmaking, printing, tailoring, clocksmithing, blacksmithing, painting, and wheelwrighting.” Booker T. Washington was a notable student. This school demonstrated a successful vocational education program to educate African Americans. Programs such as this lay the groundwork for what is now Career and Technical Education. -
1917 Smith-Hughes National Vocational Act
The Smith-Hughes National Vocational Act provided federal funding for programs that included agriculture, home economics, and other vocational training in public, secondary schools. Senator Smith and Representative Hughes, both of Georgia, headed a commission to emphasize the importance of vocational training. This Act also led to the formation of Future Farmers of AMercia. -
1926 AVA Formed
The American Vocational Association was formed by the merger of National Society for Vocational Education and the Vocational Education Association of the Middle West. This organization became the voice for what is today’s Career and Technical Education. The AVA gained influence on how the funding of the Smith-Hughes Act was implemented. -
1929-1934 George Acts
The George-Reed Act appropriated an additional $1 million to agriculture and home economics programs.
1934 George Ellzey Act appropriated an additional $9 million to vocational programs as a part of The New Deal.
Funding for these programs is deemed critical for building a successful workforce. -
1946 First Modern Computer
The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) The first general purpose computer is announced. Computers will become an essential component of the classroom. -
1972 Title IX Education Amendment
Title IX Education Amendment was passed in 1970. Educational programs are prohibited from discriminating based on sex. Perkins Act funded CTE programs must meet Title IX obligations of promoting programs to the respective underrepresented sex. -
1984 Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Act
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Act was passed in 1984. Federal funding is granted to programs that offer programs for students in occupational training in a tract other than the traditional four-year degree. Career and Technical Education is significantly funded by the Perkins Act. -
1993 Constructivism gains popularity
Constructivism gains popularity with the publication of: In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms, by Jaqueline and Martin Brooks. Constructivism is based in the theory that students learn through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. Students use real-world experiences to solve problems. CTE curriculum is rooted in this theory of hands-on, experiential learning. -
Works Cited I
Kalashnikova, I., McConaghy, M.D., Silberman, M. (2004) The Academy:
Curriculum and Organization. Retrieved from http://www.archives.upenn.edu/histy/features/1700s/acad_curric.html
Land Grant College Act of 1862. (n.d.) In Encyclopedia Britannica online. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Land-Grant-College-Act-of-1862
History. (n.d.). Hampton University. Retrieved from http://www.hamptonu.edu/about/history.cfm -
Works Cited II
Smith-Hughes Act. (n.d.). In Encyclopedia Britannica online. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Smith-Hughes-Act
A New Association is Born. (n.d.). Association of Career and Technical Education. Retrieved from http://www.acteonline.org/general.aspx?id=2389#.V8XVw63lu1s
The History of Vocational Education. (n.d.). Ohio State University. Retrieved from
https://voc-ed.ehe.osu.edu/2014/07/01/1920-1939/ -
Works Cited III
ENIAC: Celebrating Penn Engineering History. (n.d.). Penn Engineering. Retrieved from http://www.seas.upenn.edu/about-seas/eniac/
Hyslop, A. (2016). New Guidance on Gender Equity in CTE. Association of Career and Technical Education. Retrieved from
http://ctepolicywatch.acteonline.org/2016/06/new-guidance-on-gender-equity-in-cte-.html -
Works Cited IV
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, Public Law 105-332. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from
What is Constructivism? (n.d.). Concept to Classroom. Retrieved from http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/constructivism/index.html