CSI: Timeline

By BReilly
  • Aug 21, 1567

    St. Francis’ Birth

  • Jan 23, 1572

    St. Jane is born

  • Jan 23, 1572

    St. Jane de Chantal is Born

  • St. Francis is Ordained a Priest

  • St. Jane and St. Francis Meet

  • St. Francis wrote The Introduction to the Devout Life

  • Jane Becomes a nun and Creates the Visitation Sisters

  • St. Francis wrote the Treatise on the Love of God

  • St. Jane placed her trust and confidence in God and to follow the path of devotion she had walked with her friends

  • St. Francis died

  • St. Jane Died

  • Margret Mary is Born

  • Margret Mary Born

  • Margret Mary joins the Visitation community

  • Margret Mary Died

  • St. Jane became a Saint

  • Mary de Sales is Born

  • Mary de Sales born

  • John Bosco is Born

  • John Bosco Born

  • Louis Brisson is Born

  • Lois Brisson is Born

  • Brisson becomes a Priest

  • Saint Dominic is Born

  • Leonine Aviat is Born

  • Leonie Aviat Born

  • St. Dominic Died

  • Aviat professes her vows to the Oblate Sisters of SFDS

  • Maria Mazzarello Born

  • First Vows Taken

  • Mary de Sales Died

  • Brisson Takes vows of Poverty and Chastity for St. Francis de Sales

  • John Bosco Died

  • People follow Mazzarello by helping others

  • Louis Brisson Died

  • Leonine Aviat Died

  • Maria Mazzarello Died

  • Margret Mary is a Saint

  • Bosco became a Saint

  • Visitation Martyrs helping during the Spanish Civil War

  • Maria Mazzarello is a Saint

  • Dominic Savio becomes a priest

  • Leonie Aviat became a Saint