C.S. Lewis Born
He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. (C.S. Lewis Foundation) http://www.cslewis.org/resources/chronocsl.html -
Clive deides he wants a new name
C.S. Lewis didn't like the name Clive, so when he was four years old, he decided he wanted a new name. His dog Jacksie had been run over by one of the first cars in Irland, so he told everyone he would be forever known by the name of his dead dog. Soon he shorten it to "Jacks" then "Jack". (2012 Awesome Stories) http://www.awesomestories.com/religion/cs-lewis/story-preface -
The Lewis family moved
"The Lewis family moved to their new home, "Little Lea," on the outskirts of Belfast." (http://www.cslewis.org) [www.cslewis.org/resources/chronocsl.html](www.cslewis.org/resources/chronocsl.html) -
Publishes "The Allegory of Love"
Period: to
The Cosmic Triology
Publishes "The great devorce"
Published "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
Moore dies
http://www.biblio.com/c-s-lewis~108759~authorMoore was almost like a second mom to Jack, and so when she died, it was really tragic for him. (http://www.biblio.com) -
Published "The last battle"
Publishes "Surprised by Joy"
Marries Joy Gresham
His wife dies of cancer
C.S.Lewis Dies
http://www.cslewis.org/resources/chronocsl.html (C.S. Lewis Foundation) -
Publishes "Pilgrim's Regress"