Crystal's Personal Timeline

  • I was born

  • Summer Vacation

    Summer Vacation
    I went to work
    I went to WildWaves with my family.
    I went to the fair with some friends.
  • Went to Wild Waves

    Went to Wild Waves
    went on rollar coaster and water slides
    it was hot
    had fun
  • Went to Middle School

    Went to Middle School
    got into AVID
    met new people which are my best friends now
    got to see our new classes and teachers
    joined a sport
    went rollar skating with the shaw team
  • Northern Heights elementary school

    Northern Heights elementary school
    I started at this school since kindergarten and ended in fifth grade. I went to this school for six years.
  • went to 7th grade

    went to 7th grade
    was still in Avid
    some friends got spread out into different classes
    got to meet out new teachers
  • joined track

    joined track
    my freinds and I joined track
    got to race against other schools
    & meet new people
  • went to blaack friday

    went to blaack friday
    got some clothes
  • went to Idaho for christmas

    went to Idaho for christmas
    stayed at my aunt & unlce hose
    celebrated christmas there
    went to the mall & it's kinda big
    went to a park