Jan 23, 1466
Alberti Cypher Invented
Leone Battista Alberti Invented the first mechanical cypher machine the "Alberti Cypher" -
Jan 23, 1553
Vigenère Cipher Invented
Bellaso Invented the reciprocal table at a time when cryptographic writings were well revered in the Italian courts. -
Implicaton of Mary Queen of Scots
Sir Francis Walsingham used cryptoanalysis to implicate Mary Queen of Scots of attempted murder of Queen Elizabeth I. -
Invention of the Jefferson Cypher Disk
This cypher disk was recreated over one hundered years after by Etienne Bazeries and was used as a tactical cypher for the US Army. -
Breaking the Polyalphabetic Cypher
Done for the English in the Crimean War created by Babbage to crack the polyaphabetic cypher. -
Playfair Cipher Invented
Wheatstone invents the Playfair cipher. -
Zimmerman Telegram Intercepted
The interception and decryption of the Zimmerman Telegram thrust US entry into World War I -
Teletype Cipher Invented
Created by Gilbert Vernam now known as the stream cipher, and to later be used to help create the one-time pad -
Patents for Firts Rotor Machine
Hebern invented and then patented the first rotor machine design. -
German Enigma Machine Break
The first break into the unbreakable German Enigma Machine took place in Poland by Rejewski. -
Pearl Harbor Attack
Surprise Pearl Harbor attack despite US decryption of several Japanese communications -
Admiral Yamamoto Assasinated
The designer of the Pearl Harbor attack was assassinated because of intercepted itinerary from a decrypted message -
Diffie and Hellman Published
DIffie and Hellman publish New Directions in Cryptography article forming the framework for many encryption algorithms used today -
RSA Invented
RSA invented at MIT a new form of public key encryption still in use today. -
NSA Publishes the SHA1 Hash Algorithm
Published because of flaw found in the SHA0 algorithm successors to this algorithm still prevalent today..