Period: 100 BCE to 1 CE
Caesar Cipher
The roman army needed a secure method of communication. It is one of the earliest known and simplest cipher. It affected the world in the long run, however, short term it affected those involved with the Romans in war. -
Period: 801 to 873
Frequency Analysis
Al-Kinda created this by working on Ciphers and encrypted messages obtained from Greek or Roman origin. It was triggered because there needed to a way decrypt messages. It impacted anyone encrypting messages as it made the most reliable form of cryptology vulnerable and weak. New techniques were needed to ensure secrecy in messages. -
Period: 1355 to 1418
Substitution and Transposition
Ahmad al-Qalqashandi writes the Subh al-a 'sha, which is a 14-volume encyclopedia including a section on cryptology. This is triggered for the need to understand cryptography. It was attributed to Ibn al-Durayhim whose writings were lost. It affected the world with mathematics as it was the first cipher with multiple substitutions for each plaintext letter. -
Period: 1465 to 1466
Polyalphabetic Cipher
Leon Battista Alberti triggers the even. It was a major advance was called one of the most significant in the several hundred years. So it affected the world of cryptographers. -
Period: 1553 to 1553
Vigenère cipher
Blaise de Vigenère was who triggered this event for the French king. It works the same as the Caesar cipher except
that it changes the key throughout the encryption process. This was actually used by confederates in the American Civil War. So we can say it affected those during Vigenère time by being a major advancement. We can also say it was something that could of affected the outcome of the Civil War. -
Period: to
Jefferson Wheel Cipher
Thomas Jefferson triggered this event by inventing the wheel. It affected many people as it was used primarily by the United States Army until World War 2. -
Period: to
One-time Pad
Gilbert Vernam and Joseph Mauborgne develop the one-time pad. They have been used in special circumstances since they are applicable as they can be written using pen and paper. They have been used by spies and for different missions and military reasons over the years. -
Period: to
Zimmerman Telegram
Triggered by the German Foreign Office to be a secret diplomatic communication. It was a proposal that was decrypted by British intelligence and affected the World because it triggered the United States to declare war on Germany during World War 1. -
Period: to
Choctaw Codetalkers
Triggered by the Choctaw Indians. They pioneered the use of Native American languages as military code. This affected those involved in World War 1. Within 72 hours of implementation German forces were on retreat -
Period: to
Enigma Machine
Arthur Scherbius created the enigma machine at the end of World War 1. The purpose was to protect commercial, diplomatic and military communication. This machine affected all those affected by World War 2. The cracking of the Enigma machine is one of the major reasons to the Germans downfall. -
Period: to
Created by the Japanese during World War 2 for diplomatic communication. It affected those involved with World War 2 as it allowed the United Stated access to Japanese diplomatic secrets in World War II. -
Period: to
Asymmetric Encryption
This was triggered by the need for an encryption system that could have a predetermined key. As technology advanced better encryption was needed. This affected companies, governments and any users on a whole as it provided a more secure way to send data or messages. -
Period: to
"New Directions in Cryptography"
Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman publish "New Directions in Cryptography" as the need for better encryption and more security is being needed in the digital age. This affected the digital world as professionals needed new ways to secure data and messages. One could say it affects everyone online because secure messages relates to anyone sending information digitally. -
Period: to
RSA Encryption
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman created this encryption due to the lack of key exchange by Diffie and Helman. This was a breakthrough and affected everyone sending messages because they could be embedded and transmitted. -
Period: to
PGP or Pretty Good Privacy was created by Phil Zimmerman. It was triggered in response to a to the threat by the FBI
to demand access to the cleartext of the communications of
citizens. It affects any of those who use this free software and has been made a standard Worldwide. -
Period: to
Encryption Continues....
Other forms of encryption that should be noted are IDEA, RC5, Steganography and Quantum Cryptography. These are current and continue to be worked with.