Cruise timeline

By 228759
  • Cunard world first cruise line

    Cunard world first cruise line
    Cunard where there first company to have a scheduled service from the UK to America. This was before the railways were invented.
  • Steam ships introduced

    Steam ships introduced
    During 1840 steam engine boars were developed, they were mainly developed to carry cargo and mail from the USA to Europe. Eventually they started carrying passengers who boarded to migrate, they would take around 10-14 days to reach their destination, the great western was the largest transatlantic steam boats
  • SS Great Britain introduced

    SS Great Britain introduced
    This ship was the wolds largest ship when it was launched in 1843. It had a propeller and was made out of iron which meant that it was a lot faster than other ships during this time, this ship could get across the Atlantic within a week. This was built for the luxury passenger trade between Britain and America.
  • The first advertised cruise

    The first advertised cruise
    P&O cruises were the first company to promote a cruise. This was from Southampton and traveling to destinations such as Gibraltar, Malta and Athens. P&O cruises are the world’s oldest cruise line.
  • Signal light system introduced on ships

    Signal light system introduced on ships
    These light systems were introduced to make ships visible during night, they had a white light on the mast and a green light on the starboard and a red on the port side. The first ship to have this installed was the SS Columbia.
  • Electricity introduced to ships

    Electricity introduced to ships
    The first ship to have electricity on it was the first steal ship in 1881. It also had rooms with on suites, this is how you can see that luxury was being introduced onto ships.
  • First wireless communication at sea

    First wireless communication at sea
    This was a very important thing to introduce, as ships could then communicate with other ships or people on land. This was great for the safety of the ships as they could signal if they needed help, it was also useful so they could warn other ships or land about icebergs. Guglielmo Marconi the first person to communicate over open water
  • Luxury ships introduced

    Luxury ships introduced
    Ships were more popular than air travel during this time. Ships became more luxurious to cater to the wealthy. The first luxury ship was the prinzessin Victoria Luise.
  • The titanic sink

    The titanic sink
    This ship was known to be unsinkable, and was the biggest ship ever built, the titanic was designed to stay upright but four of the forward compartments flooded. The titanic sunk when it had a collision with an iceberg and 1,517 lives were lost and the crew suffered the most casualties. This ship sunk near Newfoundland in Canada.
  • The med

    The med
    Cruise operators started to having to adapt to compete with cheap holidays to destinations such as Spain, Portugal and Greece. As modern cruise ships begun to be introduced, this meant that they carried more passengers, this then brought the cost of cruising down to be more affordable, this appealed to the mass market. The industry started to grow and turned the Mediterranean into a popular destination, this then boosted economies and more ships where being introduced.
  • QE2 is launched

    QE2 is launched
    This was the first Atlantic liner ship to have private facilities in each cabin such as bathrooms. This was very expensive and it was seemed that only upper class people could go on it. This ship was launched by her majesty queen Elizabeth the 2nd.
  • Aurora

    This ship has 1,950 passengers and is 886 ft long. It has 279 inside cabins and 655 outside cabins. This ship is a passenger ship and is owned by P&O. This ships home port is Southampton and travels to the Mediterranean, Norwegian fjords and Iceland. This ship has many facilites such as three pools, 4 spas, casino, theatre and a library. This ship would appeal to business workers and families.
  • P&O integration

    P&O integration
    P&O cruises are merged with carnival cruises and they became carnival corporation. This is horizontally integrated
  • Changes in customer types

    Cruises where being marketed as the perfect holiday for grandparents and kids to take all together, this is as there is various activities to do on board. These trips helped families save money on a holiday as it is all in one place. In 2003, a cruise line operated by P&O cruises offered cruises to people who dont do cruising, this included things such as chilled out cruising.
  • Oasis class ship launched

    Oasis class ship launched
    These ships were launched by the royal Caribbean and can carry over 6,000 passengers and it is designed to keep passengers busy all day. This ship is the largest cruise ship and has been able to make cruises more affordable for the mass market.
  • Virgin integration

    Virgin integration
    They are part of the virgin group, within the group you have an airline, tour operator and a retail group. This makes them vertically integrated. There cruise ships are aimed at the adult only market and being different from usual cruises.
  • Cost of living

    Due to the cost of living crisis, people have less disposable income to spend on luxury things such as cruising. However they do still remain popular and companies have had to offer more affordable packages, this is so they can attract more customers. Lower prices leads to more choice, and more choice leads to more passengers. A big way that has helped more people start cruising, is from others telling people about there experiences.
  • Wonder of the seas

    Wonder of the seas
    This boar carries 6,988 passengers and has 2,867 cabins. This ship has 18 decks, 11 bars, 21 restaurants, 5 entertainment facilities. The wonder of the seas Homebase is Florida and travels around the Caribbean islands. It is an oasis class cruise ship and is operated by the royal Caribbean international. This ship will appeal to luxury customers, such as families.
  • Demand post covid

    After covid 19 cruise ships became demanding from the public, this is due to the public feeling like they needed to get away. Cruise lines had record sellouts, this was due to people having disposable income that they didn't spend during covid 19.