cruise timeline

By 230106
  • steam ships introduced

    steam engines boats were developed in 1840 during the Industrial Revolution. they were mainly developed to carry cargo and mail from the USA to Europe however they eventually started carrying passengers who boarded to migrate they'd take around 10-14 days to reach the destination. the great western was the largest transatlantic steam boats.
  • 1840 Cunard world first cruise line

    Cunard were the first company to have a scheduled regular service from the UK to the USA, this was before this first railways were invented.
  • SS great Britain introduced

    the SS was built and sailed from Bristol England this is where its still sits today. this ship is famous for being the first ship with a propeller and made completely of iron this meant it was a lot faster then previous ships it could get across the Atlantic within a week.
  • the first advertised cruise

    P and O was actually the first company to promote a cruise from Southampton to Gibraltar to Malla and Athens
  • signal light system introduced on ships

    signal light system was introduced as electricity was introduced. they were added to make ships visible at night. they had a white light on the mast, green light on the starboard and a red light on the port side.
  • electricity introduced to ships

    the first steal ship was made in 1881 and it had electricity on it. it also rooms with un suites this is were you can see the luxury being introduced.
  • Period: to

    luxury ships introduced

    ships became more luxurious to cater to the super wealthy they then became this symbol of wealth. this was time before air travel as it wasn't very popular.
  • first wireless communication at sea

    this was very important as ships could now communicate with other ships and land. this was considered a big development in safety as you now could signal for help/ distress signals. it also meant they could warn about things like icebergs.
  • the titanic sank

    this was built and thought as the unsinkable ship at the time. it was the biggest ship ever built at the time. its still considered one of the worlds worst ship accidents still to date. after titanic safety was improved they had to have enough lifeboats for the amount of people on board. around 15 hundred people died on the ship.
  • QE2 is launched

    this was the first big Atlantic liner ship with private facilities in every cabin like bathrooms. this was considered the thing to do if you could afford it at the time as it was very expensive.
  • oasis class ships launched

    these ships were launched by royal Caribbean and they can hold around 6000 passengers. these ships have been able to make cruises more for the mass market meaning they became more affordable