Crucible Timeline

  • Dancing in The Woods

    Dancing in The Woods
    Reverend Parris discovered a group of girls, including Betty & Abigail, dancing in the woods around some sort of pot. Once the girls were seen by Parris they all scattered. He grabbed and Betty before they could escape. He saw one of the girls naked and a dress on the ground.
  • Abigail threatens the girls

    Abigail threatens the girls
    Abigail scares and threatens the girls involved in the dancing after Mary Warren decides to tell them to confess. Abigail says "And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you."
  • Hale Comes to Salem

    Hale Comes to Salem
    Hale comes to Salem and Rev. Parris asks him to help his daughter, Betty, who was in a coma.
  • Abigail Starts Rumors

    Abigail Starts Rumors
    Tituba is accused of witchcraft by Abigail shortly after Hale says witchcraft is present in Salem. Tituba accuses Goody Nurse and Sarah Good; not long after Abigail and Mary accuse the same people Tituba accused.
  • Marys Gift

    Marys Gift
    Mary comes home to the Proctors and gives Elizabeth a poppet she had made. Mary talks about how Goody Osbourn will hang for her cries of witchery in the court.
  • Hale's Investigation

    Hale's Investigation
    Hale arrives at the Proctor's house and starts asking questions about themselves and about their Christianity. Hale asks about knowing their commandments and John names all but adultery because he has committed that crime.
  • Elizabeth Warren's Warrant

    Elizabeth Warren's Warrant
    Shortly after Hale asks the Proctors about their Christianity Giles arrives and talks to Hale and John about how Rebecca Nurse had been arrested for the murder of children and witchery. Cheever later enters and tells John that he has a warrant for his wife.
  • The Poppet

    The Poppet
    Cheever enters the Proctor's house and searches it. He asks if they keep any poppets and Elizabeth denies it, but Cheever looks around the living room and sees a poppet on the mantle. Cheever examines it and finds a needle stuck inside it just how Abigail had a needle stuck in her. Cheever arrests Elizabeth for witchery.
  • Proctor and Mary Enter Court

    Proctor and Mary Enter Court
    John Proctor and Mary Warren enter the court to try to prove Elizabeth's innocence. Proctor offers a signed deposition, but Danforth does not accept it.
  • John Gets Questioned

    John Gets Questioned
    Danforth starts to question if John is a witch/warlock after Cheever tells him that John ripped up the warrant and damned the court. Danforth asks John if he goes to church, why he plows on Sunday, and if he reads the gospel.
  • Elizabeth Pregnant?

    Elizabeth Pregnant?
    Proctor learns from Danforth during the court hearing that Elizabeth Proctor has claimed that she is pregnant to save her from prosecution for a year. Danforth brings up this fact in a point of asking John to drop the charge since his wife will be saved for a year
  • Mary's Spirit

    Mary's Spirit
    Mary Warren is questioned by Danforth about her original accusations and then Danforth asks a lengthy question to Abigail. Abigail tells him it's a base question and becomes defensive. Abigail then makes the accusation that Mary sent her spirit out on her
  • John's Downfall

    John's Downfall
    In order to escape hanging, Mary Warren pretends that the accusation Abigail made against her was real and she repented, but in the process, she gets the blame off of her by accusing John Proctor of the one controlling her.
  • John's Name

    John's Name
    John Proctor meets with Danforth and the court officials to discuss his confession. John agrees and says he was acting alone under the control of the devil. He signs a confession, but before the officials can take it he snatches the document. John says all he has is his name and if they nail it to the church neither he nor his children will be able to bear that name.
  • John's Death

    John's Death
    John Proctor is hung for his false accusations against him for witchery. He is hanged in the middle of saying a prayer