

  • The theory of evolution

    The theory of evolution
    The book is called "The Origin of Species through Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Preferred Breeds in the Struggle for Life." Charles Darwin established the theory of evolution through natural selection with this book.
  • Karl Marx's trilogy of Capital

    Karl Marx's trilogy of Capital
    The publication of the first volume of Karl Marx's trilogy of Capital has already turned 150 years old. He is the only one who wrote in full, because the other two were prepared by Friedrich Engels from the notes that his late friend had left.
    Exactly 150 years ago, on September 14, 1867, the first volume of Karl Marx's Capital was published. Capital remains one of the most influential books in world history.
  • Ferdinand de Lesseps

    Ferdinand de Lesseps
    The construction of the Canal began in 1858 by the company of the French businessman, Ferdinand de Lesseps, with the permission of the Egyptian authorities at the time, and was inaugurated on November 17, 1869.
  • Alexander Graham Bell.

    Alexander Graham Bell.
    Alexander Graham Bell. (Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1847 - Beinn Bhreagh, Canada, 1922) American scientist and speech therapist of Scottish origin, inventor of the telephone.
    Contributed to the development of telecommunications.
  • Guillermo Marconi

    Guillermo Marconi
    Guillermo Marconi I Marquis of Marconi. He was an Italian electronic engineer, waiter, and driver, known as one of the leading proponents of long-distance radio transmission, for the establishment of Marconi's law, as well as for the development of a wireless telegraphy or radiotelegraphy system.
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist, and entrepreneur who developed many devices that have had great influence around the world, such as the phonograph, film camera, or long-lasting incandescent light bulb.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference, held between November 15, 1884 and February 26, 1885 in the city of Berlin, was convened by France and Germany and organized by the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, in order to solve the problems it posed colonial expansion in Africa and solving its partition
  • Karl Benz

    Karl Benz
    Karl Benz or Carl Benz, was a German engineer and inventor, known for having created the Benz Patent-Motorwagen in 1886, considered to be the first vehicle in history designed to be powered by an internal combustion engine.
  • Cyrus West

    Cyrus West
    Cyrus West Field was an American businessman and financier who led The Atlantic Telegraph Company, which carried out the first telegraph cable laying across the Atlantic Ocean in 1858 with successful results.

    The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, were two aviators, engineers, inventors, and pioneers of aviation, generally named together, and recognized worldwide as those who successfully invented, built, and flew the world's first airplane, even when there is a some controversy about it.

    Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen / ˈɾuːɑl ˈɑmʉnsən / was a Norwegian explorer of the polar regions. He led the expedition to Antarctica that for the first time reached the South Pole.