
Crimean War

  • British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire

    Prime Minister Lord Aberdeen appoints Stratford Canning
  • Sent on a special mission

    Prince Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov is sent on a special mission and travels to Constantinople with demands.
  • Relation is broken

    Menshikov leaves Constantinople, thus breaking off relations
  • Ultimatum is given

    THe Russians give an ultimatum to Turkey
  • Army is sent

    Following the breakdown in diplomatic discussions between the Ottomans and the Russians, the Tsar decides to send an army to the Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia.
  • British fleet links up with a French fleet

    British fleet links up with a French fleet
    Escalating tensions leads to Britain sending a fleet to the Dardanelles, linking up with a similar fleet sent by the French.
  • Turkey stands up to Russia

    Turkish troops stand up against Russian army who have occupied what is now modern-day Romania, along the Russo-Turkish border. The Turks are supported in their action by the British.
  • Orders are given

    The British fleet is given orders to sail to Constantinople. which is modern-day Istanbul.
  • War is declared

    The Turks have declared war on the Russians
  • Crimean War Start

    Crimean War Start
    The Allied powers are Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia and they fought against Russia.
  • Conflict has ensues

    The conflict ensues with the Turks leading an offensive against the Russians in the disputed Danubian territories
  • The battle of Sinope

    The battle of Sinope
    This is a battle that Russians naval victory which sees the destruction of the squadron of Ottoman ships anchored in the harbour.
  • Ottomans receive back-up

    The Ottoman have received bak-up in the Black Sea with the French and British fleets entering the waters.
  • War declared

    Britain and France have declared war on Russia.
  • Neutral in war

    Austria, which remains neutral in the war, occupies the Danubian principalities which Russia had evacuated some months previously
  • Leave the Ottoman territory

    The Allied troops led by French commander Maréchal Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud and British commander Lord Fitzroy Somerset Raglan set sail from the Ottoman port of Varna with around 400 ships. They leave Ottoman territory with no obvious plan of attack, a lack of planning that would characterise much of the conflict.
  • Allied Powers land in Crimea

    Allied troops land on the north-west coast of the Crimea at Calamita Bay.
  • Encounter

    There was an initial encounter at the River Bulganek
  • The Battle of Alma

    The Battle of Alma
    The Russian troops are defeated at the River Alma. The Allied troops move onto the besiege of Sevastopol.
  • Siege of Sevastapol

    Siege of Sevastapol
    The Siege of Sevastapol is marked by the Allied navy bombarding the city six times. During the besieging of the city many important battles will ensue.
  • Nurses go to help the wounded

    Nurses go to help the wounded
    Florence Nightingale and 40 other nurses have traveled from England to the battle field to tend to the wounded
  • The Battle of Balaklava

    The Battle of Balaklava
    Allied troops defeat a Russian attempt to break the British siege lines and then they want to capture their supply base.
  • The Battle of Inkerman

    The Battle of Inkerman
    Allies defeated another Russian attempt to try to break their siege lines.
  • People getting blamed

    Benjamin Disraeli who is the leader of the opposition is blaming Lord Aberdeen and the British ambassador Stratford of their role in the instigation the conflict, an inevitably leading of series of events, a subsequent enquiry, and the resignation of Aberdeen.
  • Attack at Balaklava

    Attack at Balaklava
    The Russians abort an attack at Balaklava
  • Sardinians enters the war

    The Sardinians entered the war and they send 10,000 troops to assist the Allied forces.
  • The Battle of Eupatoria

    The Battle of Eupatoria
    This is an important port city in the western Crimea. The Russians led by General Khrulev attempt to launch a surprise attack on the Ottoman garrison, which was ultimately fails as the Ottoman and Allied fleet reposed back with a forcefully attack, leaving Khrulev no alternative but to retreat.
  • Aborted Attack

    The was an aborted attack by the Allied forces at Chernaya.
  • Russian Army

    Russian Army
    The Russian army assault successfully seized and manages to fortify the Mamelon (which is a strategic hillock).
  • "White Works"

    The French have launched an assault on the "White Works" which it proves to be an unsuccessful assault.
  • 2nd bombardment

    2nd bombardment
    The Allied forces hit the Sevastapol with a 2nd bombardment.
  • British assault

    The British had a successful assault on the rifle pits
  • 3rd bombardment

    3rd bombardment
    The city of Sevastapol was hit with a 3rd bombardment.
  • White Works part 2 and The Quarries

    The Allied forces had another successful assault on the "White Works", Mamelon and a successful assault on "The Quarries" (8-9 June 1855)
  • 4th bombardment

    4th bombardment
    There was a 4th bombardment on the capital, Sevastapol.
  • Allied assault unsuccessful.

    The Allied assault is proved to be unsuccessful against Malakoff and the Great Redan.
  • The Battle of Chernaya

    The Battle of Chernaya
    The Battle of Chernaya was fought on the outskirts of Sevastapol, this battle was a Russian offensive acting on the orders of Tsar Alexander the 2nd. The plan that he had was to push back the Allied forces and end the siege on the city but the result of this plan was an Allied victory which forced a Russian retreat.
  • 5th bombardment

    5th bombardment
    The besieged city of Sevastapol was hit with a 5th bombardment.
  • 6th bombardment

    6th bombardment
    The 6th bombardment was the final bombardment on the city of Sevastapol by the Allied forces, this was a conclusion of an year-long siege on the city
  • Allies make an assault

    The Allied forces make an assault on Malakoff, Little Redan, Bastion du Mat, and the Great Redan which the French makes a strategic gain in the Russian's defences
  • Russians retreat

    The Russians retreat from Sevastapol which it brings the siege to a conclusion
  • The Siege has ended

    The Siege has ended
    The Siege of Sevastapol ends with the Russians evacuating the city and blowing up their forts as well was sinking their own ships.
  • The Russians attack

    The Russians make an attack on the Kars which was brutal and would last for seven hours and the attack was unsuccessful.
  • Ottomans in desperate

    The Ottomans is in a desperate need of reserves in Kars as they are running out supplies and due to this it is treacherous weather conditions, reinforcements are unable to reach the garrison.
  • Surrender of Kars

    Surrender of Kars
    The Russians are gonna be shocked to the surrender of Kars to General Muravyov due to the conditions.
  • Tsar accepts

    The Tsar have accepted the demands of the Austrians
  • Russia feels

    The Russians have felt pressurised by the threat if the Austrians joining the Allied powers, which is forcing a preliminary discussion on peaceful terms and conditions.
  • Paris Peace

    The Paris Peace Conference opens
  • Armistice

    There is gonna be Armistice in the Crimea
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris has been signed. This treaty addresses the issue of territorial disputes and redraws the boundaries once more.