Montag meets Clarissa McClellan
Clarissa talks to Montag after they run into each other at night when Montag is walking home from work.They begin to talk every evening. He begins to wonder about the world and if he's truly happy, or truly loves his wife. She was the spark that started it all. -
Montag’s Wife Miley Gets Sick
Montag, and his wife are like strangers living in the same house.
One night he comes home to see her almost dead from taking to many pills. -
Clarissa McClellan Dies
Her death is a mystery and comes as surprise. Montag believes the government took her away. Possibly because she was too open-minded and curious. -
Montag Steals a Book From a House
Montag steals a book from a house, in the midst of doing his job as a fireman, to burn the houses books are in. He becomes curious. The Woman in the house dose not want to leave her books and is burned alive with them. This haunts Montag. -
Betty the Fire Chief Talks to Montag
Betty the fire chief, knows that Montag stole a book, but Montag's curiosity did not waver. -
Montag meets Faber in a Local Park
Montag meets Faber, a old man who likes books. Faber hasn't spoken to anybody in over 40 years. Paranoid, but eager Faber, invites Montag to work with him on a plan to get books and put them somewhere safe. -
The Sounding of the Alarm on Montag
Montag being foolish talks about books in front of his wife's friends and Millie. All three women pull the alarm. -
Montag is Forced to Burn Down his Own Home
Montag and the other firemen arrive at Montag's house to burn it, in the same scene, Miley leaves the house and leaves Montag. After Montag burns down his own house at the direction of Betty the fire chief. He decides to burn Betty alive with the flamethrower. And knocks two other firemen unconscious. But then the mechanical hound injures Montag's leg.
Montag is now on the run. -
The Final Plan;The Escape
He returns to Fabers house to make an escape plan. Montag is to follow the river and then find the old train tracks and walk until he finds a transient camp. -
The Corrupt Government
The government fakes Montag's death and capture. -
Montag Finds Help
Montag meets the transients. These men call themselves the “remembers.” Each person remembers one book. There's hundreds of these men, all away across the country. -
The Final Steps
Montag now spends his life wondering the countryside as a "remember."