Government concept 26071740

Creation Of A Government

  • 1st Settlements

    First settled communities begin to appear along the coast of the country after the first explorer arrives.
  • Adopt Government

    Adopt the government from the homeland, are under the rule of the home crown
  • More Settlements

    Behind founding more settlements around the new country
  • Local Government Idea

    As more settlements arise, the creation of a local government begins to be discussed.
  • Religion

    Discussion about having an official religion among the new settlements arises.
  • New Idea Religion

    New discussion about the separation of church and state. Meaning that there would not be a dictated religion but rather the freedom to choose.
  • Democracy

    Ideas of a new type of government based on democracy are discussed. Ideas like majority rule, freedom of speech, civil liberties, and elected represents are being talked about.
  • Under Homeland Government

    Local court in the settlements is created to solve disputes among citizens and settlements. This is not something that would be allowed by the homeland government. The settlements are beginning to rebel.
  • Rebel Court

    The court created in the local settlements decides that everyone should have freedom of religion in this new country.
  • Problems

    The homeland learns about a creation of a local government and court among the settlements. The homeland sets out to destroy the local government/court and impose its own. This begins with the taxi of the settlements, not local taxes but instead those taxes due to the homeland.
  • Uprising

    there is an uprising over taxes and the homeland when settlements decide that they are not going to pay these taxes. They decided that they are only going to pay taxes locally, taxes that directly impact their lives.
  • Rebel Group

    A rebel group is created by citizens from all of the settlements in the new country
  • 1st Convention

    Settlements decide that they are going to hold a convention where every settlement will be represented by two elected individuals from each of the settlements. At this convention the settlements would decide to declare independence from the homeland.
  • War

    When the homeland finds out about the declaration of independence they send troops to the new country to destroy the threat of this new government. War breakout among the homeland soldiers and rebels from the new country.
  • 5 years

    The war lasts five years.
  • Independence

    The settlements gain independence from the homeland and are free to create a new government.
  • New Government

    The settlements meet to create a new document that would draft the framework of a new government
  • Majority Rule

    A majority of the settlements must sign this new document on the framework of a new government if it is to pass.
  • Civil Liberties

    After the majority of the settlements sign the new framework an individual has an idea to incorporate. The citizen declares that it is of utmost importance that the new document dictate the civil liberties that it will protect. This new bill, is drafted and set to a vote.