1000 BCE
Dark Beginning
Before the creation of humans and the earth there was a vast darkness. This place was endless and chaotic. -
950 BCE
Birth of Two Children
Within the dark waste land, a miraculous birth takes place of two children. They are the children of Chaos. They are known as Night and Erebus. -
900 BCE
Love is Created From an Egg
Night, and Erebus conceive an egg in which Love is born form. Love, with golden wings, brought peace to the chaotic nothingness. Alongside radiant day, they brought light to the abyss. -
850 BCE
Earth is Created
From what Love brought to the universe, came Earth, full of love and light. Earth then created the stars to surround her. Earth changes and shifts through seasons and the position of the stars. -
800 BCE
Humanoid Creatures
The first most humanoid creatures were the children of Earth and Heaven. These children were named Gaia and Uranus. They ate food and walked like humans unlike Heaven and Earth. However they were large, not completely human creatures. They are not entirely alive, but closest to it at this time in the universe. They were very strong and could move things on Earth.They were giant cyclops. -
750 BCE
The Titans
The Titans were very large, but not always evil and destructive. Earth loved all her children, but Heaven, their father hated his sons and imprisoned all except the Titans and Cyclops. The Titan Cronus, supported by mother Earth, injured his father. -
700 BCE
Creation of Giants
From the blood of Heaven, Giants came form his blood alongside Erinyes, also known as The Furies. They were created to punish those who sinned. They had hair made of snakes and tears of blood. -
650 BCE
Ruling of Cronus
All monsters and creatures were banished from the Earth except for the Erinyes, who existed so long as sin existed. Cronus and his sister, Rhea then ruled the universe. -
600 BCE
Zeus's Rebellion
Cronus knew one his children had the destiny of taking his throne, so he ate all of his children as they were born. Zeus, however, escaped with the help of his mother Rhea, and Cronus was fed a stone instead of the sixth child. Zeus and Earth were forced to free his five siblings. -
550 BCE
Zeus conquers Cronus
A war between Cronus and the Titans against Zeus, his five siblings, and eventually Heavens monstrous sons, almost destroys the Universe. Cronus is beaten and chained beneath the earth. His other enemies were also punished painfully. Zeus becomes ruler and destroys all with his powers, who try to kill him. Zeus destroys all Giants, when they attempted to dethrone him. -
500 BCE
New Creatures of Earth
Earth was divided by two seas. The Mediterranean and the black sea. The Hyperborians lived in the remote North in a peaceful country. Not far from them, was a land inhabited by holy muses. To the South were the Ethiopians who the Gods held in high regards. On oceans bank was where the blessed dead went. -
400 BCE
Men are Created
Prometheus created mankind as a superior race to animals. He gave them fire for protection. They lived a short but productive and creative life on Earth.