
  • 10 BCE

    The Gods

    The gods were all children of Chronos (the king of the Titans who killed his father and took control of the world)
  • 9 BCE

    Earths Children 3

    The last of the earth and heavens children were the Titans who were giant godly creatures. They were the only one of their siblings that were not imprisoned as they were considered to be the most beautiful.
  • 8 BCE

    Earths Children 2

    The next of earth and heavens children were the Cyclops who were giant creatures with only one eye in the center of their face.
  • 7 BCE

    Earths Children 1

    The first earthly beings were the 100 armed and 50 headed giants, and they were the sons of heaven and earth
  • 6 BCE

    Earth makes Heaven

    Earth made a companion that would be her equal in the form of heaven
  • 5 BCE

    Birth of the Earth

    The earth was born from Light and Day (though it is not entirely clear who the parent of the earth is, it is just described to have appeared after Light and Day)
  • 4 BCE

    Light and Day

    Love created Light and Day
  • 3 BCE


    Together Erebus and Night created Love
  • 2 BCE

    Night and Erebus

    The children of Chaos where called Night (to represent darkness and stillness) and Erebus (meaning the unfathomable death that houses death)
  • 1 BCE

    The Birth of Chaos

    Before anything else all there was in the world was a boundless confusion known (and personified) as chaos