Period: to
Creating a Republic
G.W. Inaugurated as President
- Washington declined offers to become presidetn; finally accepted
- felt great burden to make the new Us gov't work
- said only be in office for only to terms (8 years)
French Revolution Begins
- Like americans, the french wanted liberty & equality
- Many frenchmen assumed the U.S would help them in their battle against King Louis XVI
- But: Americans were worried that showing support with the Frnech revolutionaries could drag the U.S. into war
Hamilton Creates Bank of US
- Government deposits taxes in US Bank
- US bank then prints paper currency based on total money
- Dollar Bills make it easier to buy and sell stuff
Jay's Treaty
- treaty designed to keep the US from going to war with Britain • Britain was stealing the US stuff, so the British agreed to stop stealing US ships as long as US paid back debt to Britain
The Whiskey Rebellion
- Hamilton and Washington approved a tax on all liquor (whiskey) sold • Farmers turned corn into whiskey to make money. Farmers did not like this tax because they were losing money so they protest tax by tarring and feathering US tax collectors. • GW told them to stop or he would have to attack them, so they stop
Election of 1796
• Democratic Republicans VS Federalists
• President John Adams
• Vice president Thomas Jefferson
• Rule that person with the 2nd most votes becomes vice president -
G.W. Farewell Address
• Speech to say goodbye to US and said not to form permanent alliances with other countries and wanted them to stay neutral -
XYZ Affair
- America sent American's over to France to make a treaty
- France bribed US
- Didn't go to war
- Affair = skeam
- Three French bribers and we nicknamed them X, Y, and Z
T.J. becomes Pesident
- Republican Democrats nominate Jefferson
- Wins election & becomes third U.S. president
- Vice President is Aaron Burr