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  • TikTok created and released

    This was created and started booming. It still is very popular today in 2021.
  • Trump & Twitter

    Trump was elected and ended up winning the presidential election. Twitter was important during this time because the term Fake News started becoming popular.
  • Facebook- 2 Billion Users

    Facebook is big and has 2 billion users.
  • TikTok Biggest Apps

    TikTok has become one of the biggest downloaded apps
  • Trump and TikTok

    Former President Trump tried to ban TikTok but that did not happen and continues to be very popular.
  • Election Year

    Trump and Bernie Sanders goes head to head. Bernie Sanders ends up winning the presidential election.
  • Trump Banned from Social Media

    President Trump is banned from social media--Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube.
  • Facebook still on top

    Still the biggest and influential apps