Crash Course US History: 1988 - present

  • Inauguration of George H. W. Bush

    Inauguration of George H. W. Bush
    Bush defeats Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis to become 41st President of the United States in an election rampant with negative advertisements; Bush had promised "no new taxes"
  • Operation Just Cause

    The US invades Panama and overthrows corrupt dicatator Manuel Noreiga, who threatened American security and trafficked drugs
  • First Iraq War

    First Iraq War
    Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait, and the First Iraq War begins. The First Iraq War was a huge military success, achieving the US' military goals quickly and effectively and ending the "Vietnam syndrom", or refusal to employ US troops.

    The Strategic Arms Reductino Treaty (START) is signed betwen the United States and the Soviet Union; this treaty drastically limits the amount of warheads each country could contain. Bush is credited with helping resolve US-Soviet tensions
  • Inauguration of Bill Clinton

    Inauguration of Bill Clinton
    Clinton defeats incumbent George H. W. Bush to become 42nd President of the United States; he won re-election in 1996
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) is the official policy under Clinton for gays and lesbians in the military; the policy prohibits harassment of closested members of the military while barring openly homosexual members
  • Oklahoma City bombing

    Oklahoma City bombing
    A truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK leaves 168 dead and more than 680 injured; it shocks the nation because it was domestic terrorism
  • Government Shutdown of '95-'96

    Clinton had planned to use the budget for education, environment, Medicare, and public health; Republican-controlled Congress refuses to pass the budget in favor of House Speaker Newt Gingrich's promise to slow government spending. The result: government shutdowns in late 1995 (6 days) and early 1996 (22 days)
  • Dayton Accords

    Dayton Accords
    The Dayton Accords are officially signed into place in Paris; these accords put an end to the Bosnian War in a joint foreign effort to promote peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bush v. Gore

    Bush v. Gore
    The Supreme Court ends recounts and decides Bush won the Florida election over Al Fore; ths determines George W. Bush as winner of the 2000 presidential election
  • September 11 attacks

    September 11 attacks
    Extremist Islamic group al-Qaeda coordinates four terrorist attacks on the U.S., killing 2,996 and injuring more than 6,000; Americans share a sense of trauma, and Bush's popularity soars during the aftermath
  • War on Terror

    War on Terror
    Bush declares a war on terrorism following the 9/11 attacks with the purpose of destroying al-Qaeda (then led by Osama bin Laden) and other militant extremist organizations
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires states to develop assessments in basic skills; to receive federal funding, states must administer these assessments to all schoolchildren in select grade levels
  • Lehman Brothers declare bankruptcy

    Financial service firm Lehman Brothers declares bankruptcy; the Dow drops 504.48 points and the economy spirals into a Great Recessions
  • Inauguration of Barack Obama

    Inauguration of Barack Obama
    Obama defeats Republican nominee John McCain to become 44th President of the United States; Obama is the first African-American to hold this position
  • Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize

    Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize
    Obama accepts the Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people"; he is one of only four Presidents to receive this award
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as "ObamaCare", is a federal statue enacted to increase the accessibility and quality of health insurance through expanded Medicaid eligibility and the creation of state-based insurance exchanges