First ascertained case
First diagnosis
266 cases
At first this situation was understimate, no information was released to the public by the Chinese government -
381 cases
Hubei's Province insists declararing only 40 cases -
Emergency situation statement in Wuhan and Hubei Province. Movements block and suspension of activities: airports, high-speed lines, factories, offices, schools. 571 cases in China, 375 of these in Hubei Province, 17 deaths
Other containment measures are:
• No mass gatherings
• Cancelled public events
• Closed schools, universities,libraries, museums and factories
• Suspended cross-province bus routes services
• Limited social contacts, wearing protective masks
• Self-quarantine for the community of Hubei Province, 14 days quarantine for people returning from a foreign country
• Construction of the "Huoshenshan" Hospital, a temporary facility completed in 10 days
• Street disinfection in Wuhan -
China starts testing mice for a first possible vaccine against the new coronavirus 2019-nCov.
The Chinese news agency Xinuha reports: "many steps must be taken before it is ready for administration to humans." -
The Chinese foreign minister said that 21 countries had sent aid to China
34 thousand infected people in China (including 25 thousand Hubei), 699 confirmed deaths. These are the first reliable data provided by the Chinese authorities
Over 47 countries have introduced travel restrictions to and from China to combat the spread of coronavirus.
Russia forbids the entry of Chinese citizens into its territory
New cases have slowed: on Tuesday 10th March has recorded the lowest number of infections, only 19. The President Xi Jinping visited Wuhan, and declared that the situation in under control.
According to BBC, from the beginning, China has seen 80.754 confirmed cases, 3.136 of whom have died. -
WHO declares COVID-19 pandemic
"In the past two weeks - the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in today's press conference on COVID19 - the number of cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased by 13 times and the number of affected countries has tripled, there are more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries and 4,291 people have lost their lives."