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New York COVID 19

  • First confirmed COVID-19 case in the U.S

    First confirmed COVID-19 case in the U.S
    It is a 35-year-old man who returned home after visiting family members in Wuhan, China and he had symptoms of COVID-19 then saw the CDC alerts about the corona outbreak in Wuhan, China, where he visited. He then visited an urgent care facility, and based on his travel history and symptoms, local and state health departments were contacted. This information is important because this is the start of the spread of the coronavirus in the united states.
  • The W.H.O. has declared a global health emergency of the coronavirus

    They write a statement about the unknown pathogen that is spreading around the world from China. They talk about how the virus is spreading quickly and they are learning to isolate the virus. In China, they found the genome sequence of the virus and gave it to the WHO. The WHO is an important group because they are responsible for the guidelines on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and control. They are the ones to contact when you have an outbreak like the coronavirus.
  • The First Death in the US from the Coronavirus

    The person who died had no travel history and must have gotten the virus from the community spread. The CDC at the time did not have testing to know if that person had covid, but later in April came to find out it was from covid-19. This is important because it shows you can get affection from just people around you and shows how contagious it is. It shows that this disease has no mercy and kills people who do not even know they had it in the first place.
  • First covid-19 case in New York

    This woman contracted the virus while traveling in Iran. She and her husband are healthcare workers who had to isolate themselves in Manhattan. She had respiratory symptoms that were mild, and her husband had no symptoms, but they thought he had it as well. This is important because the first covid case in New York started the spread in the area of Manhattan.
  • Events with over 500 people have been canceled, Broadway has came to a holt

    The musical “MJ” was supposed to open up that summer, then spring, and now has been postponed till September of 2021. Several other shows have been postponed as well. This is a tragedy for New York as this is what New York is all about, Broadway. The shut down has made all the workers, producers, performers, backstage crew, and even the city itself in the form of lost tax revenue. These shutdowns will stop large gatherings from happening to slow the spread of the virus.
  • The public school system in New York City has been shut down

    The nation’s largest public school system in New York City has been shut down to slow the spread of the virus. This is the most disruptive measures this city has taken due to the virus. Their 1,800 schools shut down and they believe will be shut down till the end of the school year. It has affected students, teachers and parents. This is important because it shows how the virus has changed everyone’s everyday life like going to school or work.
  • New York Death Toll hits 1,000

    New York Death Toll hits 1,000 from the coronavirus. 41,771 people in New York tested positive for the virus according to the NYC heath. This is making new york the new epicenter of the world of the virus. The rates are climbing and soon later they will hit more positive cases than Hubei, China. This affects so many people living in New York. This show has deadly this virus is and how fast it can spread.
  • New York just hit the most cases out of any country

    New York just hit the most cases out of any country outside the US. However the death toll is not the highest, it hits at 7,000. The Governor Andrew Cuomo called the outbreak a "silent explosion that ripples through society with the same randomness, the same evil that we saw on 9/11". In New York they have had a lot of tradegies and the numbers keep rising. This city is just so high compacted that it seems to be hard to stop the spread of infection.
  • The Governer Cuomo of New York issued an Executive Order that will require all people in New York to wear a mask or a face covering

    Masks shall be worn when out in public and in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained, such as on public transportation. He should have made this executive order a long time ago, but better now than ever. Cuomo also announced the state will begin conducting antibody tests, for first the health care workers, first responders, and other essential workers. He is starting to take action and make sure everyone is safe. He is trying to slow down the spread.
  • New York is starting to reopen

    The things they are reopening are landscaping and drive-in movies and low-risk recreational activities. This will allow some normalcy to occur. The governor is allowing for outdoor businesses and activities to open up as well, in hopes of no spread of the virus. This can help people finally be able to do normal stuff they used to do like outdoor sports. This is important for society in New York to be able to live their lives.
  • New York is now allowing social gatherings up to 10 people

    New York is now allowing social gatherings of up to 10 people with the proper social distancing measuring taken. This is great because it allows people to be able to see others, but still, have restrictions so there is not a spread of the virus.
  • Phase 1

    Phase 1
    This day New York enters phase 1 of reopening. This includes allowing construction sites and some retail stores to operate again with masks as a requirement and other health protocols. This is important because it's the start of allowing businesses to reopen and allowing people to slowly get back to their jobs if they are included in this phase. It also shows improvement with the virus if places are starting to open back up.
  • Phase 2

    Phase 2
    June 19th: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was expected to confirm Friday that New York City can enter Phase 2 of reopening on Monday, June 22. The biggest change in Phase 2 is the allowance of outdoor dining. This is important for restaurant businesses because without this many businesses could shut down.
  • Phase 3

    Phase 3
    NYC entered Phase Three. Businesses that may start operations in Phase Three include personal care services such as tattoo and piercing parlors, appearance enhancement practices, massage therapy practices, spas, cosmetology salons, nail salons, tanning salons, and waxing salons. This is also important because without this, these businesses could shut down due to not being able to be open and in business.
  • Child Care Centers Reopen

    Child Care Centers Reopen
    The New York City board of heath voted on allowing 3000 child care centers to reopen on July 13th.This is important because it helps parents who have to go to work because they finally have a place their kids can go too while they're gone. Without that it's very difficult for parents who have to actually go to work and have no one else to stay home with their kids.
  • Phase 4

    Phase 4
    Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that the team of global health experts advising New York State's reopening strategy has cleared to enter Phase Four of reopening without any additional indoor activity, such as malls and cultural institutions, which was to begin Monday, July 20th.This is important because things that were a part of everyone's daily life are starting to open up and people can finally start doing these activities such as shopping at malls and indoor activities with masks required
  • Gyms Reopen

    Gyms Reopen
    Beginning this day gyms and fitness centers can reopen in NYC once certain steps are taken, which include submitting a Gym and Fitness Facility Inspection Request and Attestation Form. This is important because just like many other places this is needed for this specific business not to shut down, it also is going to allow people to be active, fit, and give them something to do in these tough times.
  • Elementary Schools Reopen

    Elementary Schools Reopen
    Elementary school students return to school. This is important because it's good for the students because of how young they are, online must be difficult for them and very hard to pay attention. However it still might be unsafe for them to return because they are young and they touch a lot of things and aren't the best with keeping clean and washing their hands. It also helps the parents for when they go to work because these kids are too young to leave at home by themselves.
  • President Gets COVID

    President Gets COVID
    On this day President Donald Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus. This is important because it causes panic, worry and maybe even a little doubt in the whole united states. The whole world is fighting in this global pandemic and it causes panic and doubt when a leader gets it for themselves because of the fact they choose not to participate in the rules to prevent it. This was bad for of course New York and the rest of the US as well.
  • Schools Reopen

    Schools Reopen
    It was said that a total or 103 schools will return to in person classes on October 26th. However this did not proceed as planned because there were only 26% of students who even attended class learning. This is important because school is something that is needed but after opening there wasn't a high attendance this is good and bad because not showing up prevents the spread of the virus but no one feels safe to even let their kids go to school, showing how bad the virus is.