Rowley v. Board of Education 1982
In the court case of Rowley v. Board of Education, Amy Rowley was a deaf child enrolled in an inclusion classroom setting with the use of a hearing aid. Rowley requested school district to provide her with a interpreter. The parent's of Amy insisted that by the IDEA act it would assist their child within the classroom setting. The family won the case after appealing to the U.S District. The school appealed to the U.S Supreme Court. -
Honig v. Doe
John Doe was a 17-year-old boy that struggled with controlling his behavior and anger towards others. The case went to the U.S Supreme Court. The case dealt with expelling a child based on actions from the child's disability. The Court ruled that a school district are not allowed to exclude or expel a disabled child from the classroom setting for dangerous or disruptive conduct formed from their disabilities. -
Endrew V. Douglas County School District
In the Endrew v. Douglas School District case, the Individuals involved sought to maintain the understanding that the school system, regardless of private or public; must provide students an education and one that is setup to enable a child the opportunity to progress appropriate within the child’s circumstances.